Session29: Trapped in the Mines Report

General Summary

After defeating Uskathoth, Troglodyte priest, the party reconnoitered north up the mine passage and found a dead end in which to rest for a few hours within Beaufort De Montague's Lemond's Tiny Hut. Within the camouflaged hut the party was able to rest, regain spells, and ponder over items gained. Khusrov attuned to a Sword of Earth, a +2 Greatsword that confers limited acid resistance and can project a blast of rock. Emmanuel Woodsmoke examined Uskathoth's key, a heavy item with a brown triangle set into it, mimicking the floor mosaic at the dungeon entrance. During their time in the hut, Noodle kept watch and over the hours saw several troglogytes pass by the side-tunnel entrance.
  Upon leaving their refuge the party travelled north down a rough tunnel, widening as they went, and opening into a great chamber, at the far end of which rose a multi-tiered ziggurat. An evil ceremony was in progress as a figure atop the structure held a freshly removed human heart in his scaly hands, while a second figure beat upon a large drum behind him. A xorn emerged from the unhallowed, churned earth of the cavern and took the heart offering. Six or more robed figures, troglodytes, stood in front of the ziggurat.
  Upon entering the chamber, Beaufort, who had used a Disguise spell to transform into Uskathoth, demanded the ceremony halt. The other priest, one Snearak, descended and confronted "Uskathoth" and although Beaufort portrayed Uskathoth brilliantly, the other priest had his doubts and battle ensued. While "Uskathoth" and Snearak engaged in vigorous diplomacy, other party memebers attacked the other troglodytes and the xorn (i.e., Orlac cast fireball). Some trogs were confused on who to attack as they watched Snearak and "Uskathot" fight. Other troglodytes came into the cavern, as well as dust mephits to join the batttle. Near the end, "Uskathoth" leapt upon the ziggurat commanding the remaining trogs to bow to their master, some did, and Midnight Snow joined Beaufort De Montague in his ruse upon the raised temple.
  The subjugated trogs were also killed in the end and the vile temple ritual at last laid low. Examining the bodies, Emmanuel found a second key, idenitical to Uskathoth's on Snearak. He presed the two keys together and they fused into one. The party continued north from the temple, and as they left Orlac set fire to the hideous black tapestries depicting demons and depravity along the cavern walls.
  Just north of the cavern two human prisoners were chained in small cave. Craig and Dan are two farmers caught in temple raids and feared they were next for the sacrificial altar (and they were correct). They have followed the party further into the mines, but only because they fear striking out on their own will mean certain death (and they were correct).
  Continuing from the temple cavern the mining passageway ended in a dressed stone corridor and a door. Emmanual opened the door into a 20x30 foot room with a massive bed, a chest of gems and a massive three armed giant who methodically began to smash Emmanuel to jelly. Only the quick actions of the party, web cast by Beaufort, well-aimed crossbow bolts from Snow, saved Emmanuel and destroyed the creature.
  Now the party sits in this giants room. Another door besides they one they entered beckons them. A raging inferno likel continues in the caverns from which them came. Noodle has soiled himself.

Rewards Granted

Athatch x 1 = 5000
Troglodytes x 8 = 400
Trog Priest x 1 = 450
Mephits x 4 = 400
Xorn x 1 = 1,800   Total monster XP = 8050
  Adventure Advancement XP = 2000
  Emmanuel, Beaufort, Midnight, Khusrov, and Orlac: 2010 XP each

A Gruesome Scene in the Mines...

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
15 May 2021

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