Session 45: Hedrack's Demise Report

General Summary

Just as the drow visitor had been bundled into his chamber, the sprite spied fire down the souther corridor. She flew down to investigate under cover of invisibility and saw a young adult red dragon in a large chamber with altars of fire and female statues with pyramids for head. Multiple ogres in black plate mail waited and shuffled in an adjacent corridor. The dragon noted the sprite's presence and seemed unconcerned that her trap was revealed.
  In a somewhat uncharacteristically wise decision, Tymaret, fired an arrow into the dragon's chamber with a disparaging note attached. The dragon, enraged, diminished its size through some magic and charged down the corridor to the party. Turning a corner to face them, she unleashed her breath weapon, killing Athemal Overburden outright and seriously injuring Vister Elentyne. A battle of magic, fang, and sword ensued with some of the party turned by the wyrm's frightening presence. Her breath weapon failed her and the dragon succumbed to the heroes' onslaught.
  Ogres and, unbeknownst to the heroes, Hedrack, next sprung to attack. The ogres proved a formidible enemy, laying Vister low, and with the heroes already weakened by the dragon. Hedrack too, casting his spells did much damage, but in the end, Tymaret faced off against the evil priest in a side corridor and smote his doom.

Rewards Granted

Monster XP:
Red Dragon, Young Adult: 10,000
Hedrack, 14th level spell-caster priest: 11,500
Ogre guards x 6: 4,200
  Total XP per PC: 5,140

A Red Wyrm
Daggerford Militia
Report Date
03 Nov 2021

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