Session 55: Arcane Eye of the Behoder Report

General Summary

Back to plumb the depths of evil went our heroes. The initial ogre troops defeated the day before lay where they were, but something had been skulking around taking weapons, moving corpses. As they pressed further into the dungeon, they happened upon a lone Ogre warrior-guard to the north. The orgre tried to run to the corridor leading to the dungeon depths, but the party was able to slay him before he left the room. Beaufort's Arcane Eye travelled down the corridor followed by the ogre and saw grand hallways, rooms, and stone statues. No creatures, but something lurks below.   The party decided to travel south where Beaufort had earlier seen the Beholder Kex. After much planning, they crept along the catwalks surrouding the eye-tyrants lair (lair in the specific 5E sense for those keeping score). Beholders have very high passive perception and this aberation knew of their arrival. Battle ensued with Barbados thrown into the pit by arms that had burst from the wall. A flurry of eyes rays from the beholder and magical attacks from the party burst forth. Within the first few attack Barbados was laid low, utterly destroyed by a combinaton of death, disintegration, and enervation rays, but Orlac's Banishment send the eye to a demiplane. With ten minutes to plan the heroes surrounded the spot of the beholder's return.   Upon its return, Myca was able to strike first and stunned the creature, an incredible advantage that allowed the party to destroy the thing within a few attacks.   Now the party must decide what to do as they try to carry on without their barbarian friend. RIP.

Rewards Granted

1 x Beholder: 10,000   XP per pc: 2,500.

Kex, the Beholder

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
06 Mar 2022

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