Session 58: breaking and entering the temple Report

General Summary

After battling the Iron Golem, our heroes moved towards the sound of drumbeats up the northern corridor. Beaufort cast his anti-magic scroll spell upon himself and rushed into the temple chamber followed closely by his comrades. The scene they encountered was horrific. An ogre beat upon a drum next to a black altar presided over by a swaying, chanting priestess. As her liturgy rose to a crescendo a pulsing yellow orb appeared above the altar and she smote it with a tentacle rod. Tentacles lept from the altar and drew the hapless human atop the altar within. The priestess cackeled manically and joined our heroes in battle.   Two more cultist had hid behind the pillars and joined the priestess in battle. Insect Plague and Wall of Fire were cast. Our heroes countered with fireballs and counterspells. As the heroes advanced on the altar, melee ensued. Tentacles lept from the curtain behind the altar, and attacked those not in purple robes or protected by Beaufort's anti-magic. The cultists yelled at each other to run for the node and release Imix. While one of them ran for the only clear corridor he was stopped by Orlac and Tymaret, killed.   Meanwhile Myka and Beaufort moved through the curtain behind the altar and found a freezing room with three altars. Zuggtmoy, the demi-goddess of fungi appeared from behind a curtain and spoke within the minds of Beaufort and Mike, demanding they bow to her majesty. Both the heroes moved to attack, and as Beaufort moved forward his anti-magic revealed the illusion, as well as a wall behind which hid an abboleth, the second!

Rewards Granted

Temple Priestess x 1: 5900
War Priest x 1: 5000
Other cultist x 1: 2900
  Total per PC: 3450

The Dark Ceremony in Progress

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
23 Apr 2022
Primary Location
The Temple of Elemental Evil

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