Session 54: There be Giants Report

General Summary

A quick report: our heroes have entered the recovered Temple of Elemental Evil. They have made it past the first rank of guards (Session 53: Breaking and Entering the Temple Report), an earth elemental and stone giant before allying with hobgoblin slaves.   The hobgoblins warned of more stone giants and indeed, a long battle ensued with six stone giants hurling boulders and wielding clubs. They were led by a demonic or fiendish stone giant with glowing yellow eyes. The heroes were able to defeat these giants and after the battle Beaufort's Arcane Eye travelled throughout the first level reconnoitering a beholder and more hobgoblin slaves toiling to remove crumbled stone from the dungeon.   Afterwards our heroes retreated to the safety of the forest by the well-entrance to the temple lower levels. Beaufort's hobgoblin "allies" (were they ever really on the side of our heroes?) drifted away into the forest.

Rewards Granted

3480 xp each (granted to PCs before releasing report).

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
27 Feb 2022

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