Session 36: to the bridge! Report

General Summary

With the map from the dead dwarf in hand, the party moved cautiously forward through the mines. A nearby cavern of bones, and smelling of feces, contained three displacer beasts on the hunt. Their tentacles cut and bludgeoned the party, but within a minute of melee the cats were dead. The mining passages curved around (as predicted by the map) and came to a large cavern with some finished walls, two trolls, and a handful of black-cloaked human guards.   Tymaret was at the head of the party and parlayed for a moment, mentioned the Water Temple leader (whose name was met with somewhat of a shrug) before Emmanuel Woodsmoke took over, disguised in his ochre robes. He demanded to be taken to the leader and a lead guard sent "Nathaniel" off to fetch Eredik, commander of the bridge complex. Within seconds, Emmanuel tired of the conversation and Eldritch Blasts flew from his fingers.   A complex battle ensued wtih the guards firing crossbows, the trolls advancing, Orlac's Spirit Guardians swirling, Midnight Snow having sealed off an exit with Entangle, but not before one of the guards was able to ring a loud bell of warning. When one troll was finally slain, the guards dead, and the other troll loping down a corridor, the party gave chase and were met by a large grey humanoid with three pairs of eyes, long clawed hands, and arcane symbols across its chest and arms.   The battle with the Grey Render was long and hard fought. The beast's random strikes from damage and multiple claw and bite attacks inflicted heavy damage. Orlac's Banishment was flung aside, while both Tymaret and Barbados were knocked unconcious by the beast. Healing, Bless, and Bardic inspiration, cast by the party were decisive in the end and allowed the fighters to stop the creature.   As the party bandaged their wounds and received healing from Orlac, a yelled, but slick, almost rodent-like voice came from the direction of the guard post: who are you to seek me?

Rewards Granted

Displacer Beasts x 3: 2100
Trolls x 2: 3600
Guards x 5: 150
Gray Render: 8400
  Monster total: 14250
  Adventure advancement: 500
  Grand Total: 14750 or 2,950 per PC

The Gray Render laid two party members low

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
22 Aug 2021

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