Session 23: A Mysterious Invitation Report

General Summary

As the remainder of the party enjoys the one of the many feasts that have followed the success at Arkdale, the party is joined by a new member, Amatarasu, a wood elf wizard who has learned of the exploits of the heroes.  The party is enjoying the feast when a tall gaunt man dressed in royal blue approaches the table to congratulate the heroes for their successes and also to extend an invitation on behalf of his king.  After some trepidation at first, the party agrees, setting sail in the Arachne until out of sight then taking to the skies.   Several uneventful days pass while Amatarasu overcomes his violent sea sickness and finally stabilizes his stomach.  As the journey continues, they are able to ask some questions of their passenger on this journey - they gain some information about a deadly incursion into the lands of his kin but most answers are very guarded.  Answers are promised once they make it to the King who will explain everything.     The Arachne sets down and sails the final hours into the dock of Direwood Keep, a much better maintained garrison then its sister keep of Wolveshire.  All appears normal as they make port - a booming trade and economic center appears normal to the travelers.  Four individuals appear on the docs to greet the adventurers, dressed in similar garb to the tall stranger.  Two obvious guards with spears, one heavyset shorter man with a pointed white beard, and a younger woman in more regal attire.     Princess Vindoo approaches the team and thanks them for their answering the call.  She invites them to join them on a strange boat docked nearby - without sails but instead with more of a paddleboat appearance - the destination is a short journey away from the docks.  After some resistance, the party agrees and sets off - once outside of visibility of the keep the boat all of a sudden begins to descend beneath the waves - an invisible bubble extends from the railing on the edge of the deck up and over maintaining barrier against the water as the ship continues to descend deeper and deeper beneath the waves.   Shortly after descending, the two guards with spears jump off the sides of the boat, instantly changing form from the blue attired guards into mermen; creatures that swim along side of the underwater vessel and provide protection.  The vessel continues to descend effortlessly through the crushing depths and soon a vibrant city against the choral landscape emerges in the distance.  Merpeople of all shapes and sizes are seen working away in the kelp gardens, farming and ranching of sea creatures is seen throughout this bustling city.  A Merman is even seen piloting a whale who is carrying a heavy boulder across the starboard side of the vessel.   The vessel finally approaches its destination, a massive air enclosed dome in the center of the city with walkways.  The ship enters the dome as if there were no barrior at all - the invisible bubble disappearing as the ship enters the port and sets next to a dock of sorts.     The party is guided up to a dias with a beautiful yet unimposing throne of sorts.  Within a few minutes, an attractive merman wearing a crown swims through the back side of the barrier near the dias and he flawlessly steps onto the ground, while two of those traveling with him stumble and almost fall from the rapid change from fins to feet.  He approaches the party and thanks them for making the journey, appologizing for not fully explaining the location or people to be assisted.   The king describes for the party the challenges that have been assailing the underwater kingdom - his people have been prey to two massive aboleths, large squidlike creatures with mind crontrol abilities that have stolen not only his people but other sea creatures and also people from the lands above - subjegating them and making them their slaves.  These are likely the creatures who also supported the recent attack on Arkdale - empowering the mindflayer to take over the lands above.   The king opens a massive trunk next to the throne, exposing its contents of a wealth of gold and precious gemstones collected from shipwrecks across the ocean floor.  He offers this as payment to the party for their assistance in helping to rid his realm of this evil.  What he asks is for the party to lead his forces in combatting these evil creatures and their followers and remove their threat from his lands.   The party agrees to the kings terms is the session comes to a close.

The Journey Begins
Report Date
12 Jul 2024

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