The Journey Begins

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Dawn Realms
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  • The Dawn Realms
  • The Shadow Lands
Supporting Cast
  • Aaron Bontu
    Son of village chief - recently married to Breanne.
  • Alastor
    Something about this grave digger is off....even his whistle is hair-raising and creepy.
  • Anlow
    An older gentleman who sings melancholy songs, his music has a calming effect on the crowds. His scars tell of a past that involved more than just music, but hints at swords and battles.
  • Augusta Tellus
    A prim and proper attitude on a middle aged woman, this Lorehold professor and Dean of Order of Strixhaven is someone with deep ties to history and lore, and not one to let students walk over her.
  • Breanne Tristram
    Beautiful young newlywed of Aaron. Too peaceful and innocent to recognize danger.
  • Covirus
    Sergeant Covirus is a self appointed leader of Wolveshire, gaining his position through battling his way to the top. He is motivated by greed and power.
  • Fizban
    A rather eccentric and quirky wizard, Fizban is an old adventurer who has the resources and connections to aid the team in their investigations. He has become a benefactor of the team.
  • Flint Underhill
    The team boss of a group of dock workers, Flint inspects and inventories the stock that is transferred from the ship holds that are unloaded at Arkdale Port. Flint seems to be well organized, but his dealings might not all be above the table.
  • Valiant Scout Fury Shandu
    A Shader Kai Warrior with a kill first, ask questions later attitude. Combat is more than just a mastered skill, it is her favorite pastime.
  • Chief Elder of Ganta Gal Bontu
    A well respected village elder and Chief, Elder Tristram fairly deals with all of the matters needed for his small community. He takes pride in his small village, and desired a happy wedding for his son and new daughter in law.
  • Gromp
    A rather bone headed thug and associate of Flint Underhill. Used to provide protection for an older wizard.
  • Irva
    A half elf young maiden, she was chased from her village located in the land of the shadows, abducted, then got away. She is far from home.
  • First Officer Jeppeson
    A younger officer with lean and well dressed appearance, Jeppeson keeps a tightly run crew, carrying out the captain's orders. Jeppeson is more than capable of running the ship with our without the Captain and keeps morale at the highest levels possible.
  • Jolo
    A mysterious druid figure of the jungles to the south. He is hard to trust others, but knows how to keep those he guides alive in the dangerous Bush of Kitidari.
  • Captain Kit
    The redhaired wild-eyed leader of the failed abduction of Breanne in Ganta, Captain Kit apparently had a drastic change in personality since he went missing from his ship at the Regional Market Docks south of Ganta.
  • Sovereign Princess Kynzu Ilron
    Emissary of the Shader Kai, her prowess as a strategist makes her deadly both in leading war parties as well as delegations. She never enters encounters without an upper hand in negotiation or in combat.
  • Laverne Twistsinger
    A elderly looking hag that resides in a house inside a living toad, she trades magical favors for those who pay her fees. Be cautious not to cross her or go back on a deal.....
  • Bosun Mumbo
    A dark-skinned experienced sailor from far off lands, Mumbo is the Boatswain that keeps the ship in proper repair while under way. He is a master at efficient and quick repairs and also acts as the Master of Arms.
  • Nax
    A dragonborn who serves Candlekeep and aids those seeking knowledge from inside the fortress of knowledge.
  • Ol' Chowder
    A heavyset sailor wearing stained and soiled apron, Ol' Chowder is a masterful ship's cook capable of producing amazing meals with the ship's stores purchased by the captain. His meals maximize morale of the crew and often provide health bonuses.
  • Captain Oro
    A handsome yet weathered soul, Captain Oro has sailed the seas for many years - first as a naval officer and now as the captain of a cargo ship. Captain Oro is often found with smoking a pipe while keeping a weathered eye on his first officer and crew.
  • Stoneheart
    A Cleric who resides outside of the Crimson Citadel, he helps bring light and hope to those in need. Stoneheart also oversees the graveyard outside of the city walls and prevents those who have passed from turning.
  • Sylk
    A handsome and rather alluring satyr. He plays the panflute, delivering magic euphoria and inhibitions to those he plays for.
  • Lord Telamont Ferguson
    Lord Ferguson is head of the City Council of Arkdale and a powerful figure in the town. A few months ago his demeanor changed rather suddenly, and he and other members of the council seem to be doing things that are not for the betterment of the town's protection.
  • Second Chancellor Toglid Thodre
    Emmissary to the Shader Kai, Toglid is junior to his counterpart. His cunning and guile make him a dangerous opponent, especially in combat.
  • Victoria Wildenham
    Lieutenant of the Crimson Guard, her protective nature of the citizens of the lands surrounding the Crimson Keep is rivaled only by her battle acumen. Unlike her cruel twin brother, she sincerely cares for the citizens under their protection and is on first name basis with most.
  • Xander Wildenham
    Brutal and cold, his interest in the citizens around the keep is more focused on protecting his crop rather than protecting people. His sister Victoria keeps him in check and keeps him away from personal interactions with the citizens.
  • Lieutenant Yang Liu
    A silent but deadly Shader Kai in the service of the Sovereign Princess
  • Zarra
    Zarra is an extremely capable and resourceful airship captain, currently in charge of the Arachne.  Her Drow ancestry has made her especially good at navigating overnight but requires eye protection during daytime hours.

Sessions Archive

31st Aug 2024

Session 24: Into the Depths

The party departs into the forbidden depths to seek out this new foe. Can the team survive the dangers of the dark depths?

Read the Report
12th Jul 2024

Session 23: A Mysterious Invitation

A tall gaunt stranger invites the party to assist his king; will the party join?

Read the Report
19th Apr 2024

Session 22: Enemy at the Gate

The forces of evil now have a foothold on the mortal realm; can the team push back the evil that has now emerged?

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23rd Mar 2024

Session 21: Through the Abyss

Now that the team is within reach of the last remaining member of the LeGrande family; can they find what they need to give them the edge?

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17th Feb 2024

Session 20: Through the Looking Glass

As the party continues its escape it accidentally happens upon a hidden doorway to the Faewild….how can they resume their mission?

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2nd Dec 2023

Session 19: Escape and Evasion

The party continues to try and distance themselves from their captors....can they increase the distance and evade their adversaries?

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10th Sep 2023

Session 18: Captured

In the middle of a strange jungle the party is taken as slaves by a strange race of creatures….how will they survive?

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26th Aug 2023

Session 17: Into the Jungle

As the party crosses into the jungle, the must face new challenges as they seek the lone survivor.

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9th Jun 2023

Session 16: Sea Turtles Mate

Read the Report
29th Apr 2023

Session 15: Meeting your Adversary

Read the Report
4th Mar 2023

Session 14: The Undead Siege

The party wakes to find a new threat from someone familiar to them....can they survive?

Read the Report
28th Jan 2023

Session 13: The Crimson Citadel

The journey to the Citadel is perilous, and the destination uncertain; can the party find what they need to better understand their enemy and seek a way out of these dark lands?

Read the Report
8th Oct 2022

Session 12: Into the Shadows

Stepping through a portal into the Shadowfell, the party is now in a familiar yet altogether altered land...what secrets lie in the shadows yet to be discovered?

Read the Report
23rd Sep 2022

Session 11: Pathway to the Shadow

The secrets found under Wolveshire Fortress have helped fill in the gaps, but the mysteries are far from solved. Where will the team go to find answers?

Read the Report
20th Aug 2022

Session 10: Underneath Wolveshire Fortress

Clues found at Candlekeep have lead the party to the grounds at Wolveshire Fortress, but what lies beneath the fortress itself?

Read the Report
16th Jul 2022

Session 9: Newfound Direction

Striving to make the best of the party's newfound knowledge, the team must decide where their investigation will lead.

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7th May 2022

Session 8: Legends and Lore

Stuck at a crossroads for many pathways, the party must seek information, but where would such information lie?

Read the Report
8th Apr 2022

Session 7: Gathering Bearings

Still recovering from their escape from Arkdale, the party must discuss the next steps for their investigation of the abductions.

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26th Feb 2022

Session 6: Escaping the City

Upon emerging from the sewers the company finds an unexpected response - what should they do?

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15th Jan 2022

Session 5: Shining a light in dark places

Uncovering a mystery leads the team further down the rabbit hole. Can they handle the truths they will find?

Read the Report
13th Nov 2021

Session 4: Arrival at Arkdale

As the adventurers arrive at Arkdale they come with more questions than answers. What will they find in this large city?

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9th Oct 2021

Session 3: Sailing to Arkdale

More is known about Captain Kit, but this just leads to even more questions. Sailing will make the journey to Arkdale faster, but will it be safer?

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28th Aug 2021

Session 2: Unfolding the mystery

Something was controlling the captain to abduct the young bride - but what and why? The clues are available to those who seek them, pointing them to a nearby city. But which path will the travelers choose - by land or by sea? Both present danger of their own accord.

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22nd May 2021

Session 1: Welcome to Ganta

The party meets at a tavern, located in a quant town where a marriage is to take place. Will the only excitement be the wedding itself?

Read the Report
Welcome to the Dawn Realms, where our adventurers set out to determine the mystery behind a pattern of abductions and disappearances of young women in the coastal cities near the Gulf of Cresmar.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Ricfried Diggle





Tiathina Mortinor


Shade CocoaMist



Laraeyan Armandar

Brill (formally Gorm)

