Session 16: Sea Turtles Mate Report

General Summary

The party wakes to the continued sounds of screaming as Arkdale continues its descent to mayhem....the acrid smoke seeps in the inn from nearby buildings on fire as the party descends to a meager breakfast prepared by the innkeeper. In a sudden flash - the wizened figure of Fizban appears, scaring the poor gnomish innkeeper, who retaliates by slapping him with a spatula.   The party reports on their activities in the Shadowfell and the mysterious meeting with the Mind Flayer the day before. The party also reports on the last suggestion of Victoria - find that last werewolf; he knows of a way to see your enemy. Fizban responds about the danger to the city if there is indeed a Mind Flayer behind the fall of the city guards and turmoil happening outside. Fizban suggest the Ilithid were pushed back to extinction when the vampire and lycans joined forces - he is unaware of how any could still exist. He mentions that the Ilithid are a race of slavers both before and after they have come to this world; if they are here their turmoil must focus on collecting slaves, collecting food, or collecting those who can help extend their race.   After inquiring about Zarra and the Arachne, the party shares the fate of the stolen ship, which leads Fizban spend time searching for the missing vessel through arcane means. He comes back after the meal and shares that he has located it - the party joins him by stepping through a portal onto a sandy beach of a remote island, somewhere in the Gulf of Cresmar. Along the beach lies the wreckage of the ship; apparently during the theft and escape from Wellys Covirus and the brutes must have crashed the ship, beached it, then rowed away on one of the escape boats after plundering the wreckage for valuables. Zarra examines the wreckage and reports that she lacks both the tools and materials to make the ship seaworthy again.   Throughout this time of evaluating the surroundings and the wreckage, Angelo's druid nature tells him there is something strange about this island....something that doesn't fit in his knowledge and experience with the natural world. The crew continues to investigate the small portion of land covered in sand, a few palm trees, some skeletal remains of large sea creatures, and a massive shell. After considerable time Angelo casts detect magic with no response, and eventually is able to detect the island is in fact one massive living creature.   Learning this - Angelo casts Speak with Animals and is able to communicate with the large beast - he is able to make an arrangement for the massive sea turtle to deliver the ship to a nearby town of Cragbrook where repairs can be made, in trade for removing the massive shell that is fixed to the top of the turtle's shell.  The party works diligently to break away the base of the shell that is fixed to the turtle and after several hours is able to accomplish the task.   The turtle continues to live up to its word, however a massive storm overtakes the party, one that threatens to wash them off of the back of the turtle.  Shade and Fara move to wake the party....on finally waking Fizban he merely rolls over and casts a protective spell of some sort that encases the party in a small dome shaped shield then goes back to sleep.  The party recovers and beds down after seeing massive rainfall overtake the island, hurricane-like winds shake the trees, and the shield appears almost like a fishbowl holding out the water.   As morning dawns to the aftermath of the storm, the party takes stock in the low amount of damage or loss encountered; the ship appears no more harmed then before.  Within several hours the party sees the docks coming into view and slowly glides the "island" closer to the docks, much to the bewilderment of the dock workers and other sailors.  A familiar face of Anlow is seen at the docks; he is able to lead the "island" around towards the shipwright area for repairs.   The team decides the pathway towards the Bush of Kitidali is too urgent to wait for the ship's repairs and decides to rent horses and travel south through the swamps to start their search for the last surviving lycan from the massacre at the Temple of the Ancients.  Their day passes through the wet drizzle as they cross the swamp lands and they sense eyes watching them from behind - something keeping to the shadows but on their tail.  Marigold doubles back to determine what is tracking them, only to find they are being hunted by a pack of giant swamp rats, roughly the size of great danes.  After recognizing the danger Marigold was in, retreated back to the party and communicating ahead using the "Charm of the Protector".  The party rushes to Marigold's aid and finds they are completely surrounded by a large pack of the massive rodents, hungry to attack and consume the members.   A great battle ensues with many of the rats being taken out before ultimately they retreat from the heavy losses, leaving the party to continue on and find a place to rest for the evening in preparation for the next day's journey and arrival at the river crossing that marks the border of the Bush of Kitadali.

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