Session 17: Into the Jungle Report

General Summary

Sweltering heat, fog and the stench of the murky swamp greet the party as they wake from their sleep. The party travels on through the swamp lands - with Welly’s guidance the party avoids a float of crocodiles, waiting in ambush for willing prey to cross by. As they cross out of the swampland and find themselves at the river that marks the beginning of the jungles, a looming storm unleashes its fury with a deluge of rain. They cross a well worn bamboo bridge into a small trading post comprised of grass roofed shelters and one large open air tavern. The party approaches the barkeep, orders a round of hot chocolate for the team, and one brave soul tempts fate by drinking the bar’s specialty of a “Snake Bite”, a beverage consisting of a mixture of spirits and the venom of a poisonous snake. Rickfried succeeds not only in keeping his drink down despite the instantaneous effects of partial facial numbness and mobility, then a euphoric sense that washes over him and a level of drunkenness never felt before in a single beverage.   Asking the barkeep about werewolves, they are laughed at about children’s stories. When asked about the lands to the south the barkeep guides them to a customer in the back, eating his meal in solitude. The team buys the stranger a drink. Ilyana, Fara and Gorm approach the stranger and introduce themselves - asking what he might know about the lands to the south and his knowledge of lycans. The stranger seems somewhat guarded, although he says he will join the party after he completes his meal.   Rejoining their party to a meal of different meats, cheeses and vegetables native to the area, the team enjoys their time and shortly are joined by the stranger who introduces himself as Jolo, a self proclaimed protector and steward over the jungles to the south. The discussion provides sharing of information from both sides, although Jolo appears skeptical of the party’s intentions. Ilyana and Angelo recognize through Jolo’s words a strange sense of kinship with him…they detect a fellow druidic nature in his description of the jungles he travels. He finally consents to start the journey with the party and see if they will earn his trust and continued guidance. He will set out with the team at first light, however the party should dress more appropriate to the jungle before setting out. The barkeep can set up the party with the right dress and equipment for the jungle. After concluding the conversation and recommendations, Jolo departs into the heavy deluge, disappearing into the night.   The next morning the party sets off, heading into the heart of the jungle. At every turn the party feels under constant watch by unseen eyes, with danger lurking with every few meters of travel. The team is thankful for the heavy boots - without fail the material protects each person from fangs as strike after strike is attempted. The journey is hard, but not without it’s beauty under the jungle canopy. Fara notices a panther hidden on a low hanging branch - sniffing and investigating a fellow teammate as they pass by unaware. Rickfried notices a family of strangely colored koala-like creatures in another tree. Ilyana too watches as a colorful parrot-like bird follows the team. She casts animal friendship and works to befriend the beautiful avian, successfully hand feeding the creature.   The day continues on and the tough travel through the jungle seems to become lighter. Several members recognize that the way seems to ease in front of the travelers….the druids of the group recognize a consciousness of sorts in this area - something very old resides in the flora and fauna that surround them. The jungle seems to recognize a level of respect by the party for their passage through the Bush of Kitidari; in turn rewarding the adventurers for their careful journey.   Jolo pulls the team to a short rest and begins to prepare them mentally for a very dangerous river crossing that they will soon encounter. After careful planning, the team decides to minimize those having to brave the flash-flood like conditions by using the druids in bird form and Wellys to carry all those light enough to be safely flown over the rapids, with only 4 team members that must make the dangerous crossing in the rapids. As Jolo is about to make final comments he goes silent, sensing something from the jungle surroundings…before anyone can respond he quickly changes into a large anaconda and springs past Fara’s shoulder, catching and crushing a panther who was about to catch and drag her away.   Shade is the first to cross, tying herself to the rope that Jolo has thrown across the river to her. She jumps in and is quickly jerked against the rope, swinging downstream like a pendulum towards the far bank. Emerging from the water is a massive crocodile who makes a leap at her on the far bank, just catching and tearing free a patch of shirt from her back as she is forcibly pulled onto the bank by her teammates. Brom follows, making it safely across with no attention by anything under the water, however as Tiathina quickly follows she has drawn the attention of a large gray mass - a massive hippopotamus quickly emerges and attempts to snap at her, however with amazing athleticism she almost skips across the water and out of its reach. Last to cross is Gorm, but now the hippo has carefully calculated and is waiting. By sheer luck just before the jaws close in on him Gorm kicks off of it’s lower jaw, narrowly avoiding becoming it’s lunch.   The party travels a short distance further and finds an area suitable for the night. The dangers of the jungle seem to have just started, but the party seems to have won the trust of their guide, who has agreed to bring them to meet the lone lycan survivor.

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