Session 02: Unfolding the mystery Report

General Summary

The party awakens to a new day, fully recovered from the events of the previous evening battle and subsequent quelling of the fires. The village is in the recovery stage, taking care of their dead and wounded, and cleaning up from the turmoil. They recognize and approach the village leader and the newlywed couple. Elder Bontu introduces himself, his son Aaron and Breanne, the determined target of the previous evening's abduction. Elder Bontu thanks the party profusely, rewarding them with 500 gold pieces and the gratitude of the town.   The party learns that this is not the first missing person from Ganta - just a few weeks ago another young woman went missing in the middle of the night, with no clues as to what occurred. Elder Bontu is now suspicious that these two events are related. In addition, he speaks of travelers who have passed through Ganta mentioning abductions similar to the previous evening occuring in the city of Arkdale, about 7 days travel east of Ganta. He also provides insight that the captain is likely from a ship that may have stopped at the docks on the Gulf of Cresmere about a days travel to the south. Should the party choose to travel south, Bontu advises they might be able to arrange travel via ship to Arkdale. Bontu even speaks of a Captain Oro who normally travels through in the next couple days who might take passengers.   Choosing to travel south, the party stops at the Old Mill on the recommendation of Elder Bontu, about an hour's hike from the town. The Old Mill is a large windmill that is a center of trade for the region. Several floors of different goods including diverse clothing, armor and weaponry, and some selected magical items draw the attention of the group. Tiathina selected to upgrade her long-range capabilities with a new heavy crossbow and bolts, while Marigold was talked into a matching set of two daggers, each fashioned from a dragon's tooth, imbued with the ability to cause extra acid damage on a successful hit. Investigating the customers and merchants, the party learns more about Captain Oro and further rumors of the captain being one who might have traveled through the docks to the south.   The party departs on the trail headed south for the remainder of the day, choosing to bed down for a relatively uneventful night off of the trail, leveraging the scouting skills of Wellys to find an optimal spot to bed down for the evening. Rikfried provides a decent meal for the evening, while Tiathina and Marigold practice with their newly acquired weaponry.   The party departs in the rainy morning headed south. After the weather lets up several hours later the party comes upon the carcasses of two horses in the trail - after spreading out and carefully advancing, they are ambushed by a pack of goblins who aggressively pop out of cover, fire their short bows, then disappear back into the brush. Several members of the party take substantial damage, but kill 4 goblins before the remainder retreat from their failed ambush. A short rest allows the party to recover before they set back out.   Arriving at the docks before the evening meal, Wellys locates an adequate site nearby for the party and sets camp for the night. Wellys attempts his hand at cooking some of the salted pork, but with his poor experience causes several members to fall violently ill for the evening. Another uneventful night passes, with the exception of some curious humanoid face appearing through the night and dissappearing shortly after, and the sounds of a ship dropping anchor offshore in the wee hours of the morning.   The party speaks with the local vendors as they observe two dinghies depart from a massive cargo ship that is anchored 100 meters off of shore and head towards the docks. Conversations speak of the missing captain, who went missing from this very dock, causing his shipmates to stay and search the surrounding areas for a day and a half before the first officer was forced to continue on with cargo that would spoil. One merchant even pointed the direction that they saw Captain Kit head along the shore.   Splitting the party, several members travel along the shoreline and find an area with a half buried hat that would befit the captain of a ship, and some evidence of some form of fleshy substance that resembles brain matter. Being several weeks after this disappearance, not much else can be determined due to rains and other elements. The remainder of the party was able to communicate with Captain Oro after he concluded his business with the local merchants and awaited his crew loading the dinghies with fresh food for the ship, and his assistant updating a ledger and paying gold to the merchants.   Choosing the more comfortable cabin arrangements, the party agreed to Captain Oro's requirements for surrendering their weapons to be locked in the armory at the front of the ship - these would be returned to the party once they disembarked in Arkdale or if they were needed to fight on behalf of the ship. The party is brought aboard the ship and shown to their quarters, located in the quarterdeck next to the captain's quarters.   The captain instructs Mr. Jeppeson to weigh anchor and set sail, who then heads off and commands the crew through the steps necessary to set off while introductions are made. Ol' Chowder whips up a feast of gumbo for the party, and for the two members still recovering from food poisoning provides a hearty potato soup - all members feel a boost to their health from such a great meal and prepare for the evening in their cabin.

Rewards Granted

500 Gold Pieces awarded for thwarting the abduction 5 gold, 5 silver recovered from the dead goblins from their assault.

Character(s) interacted with


  • Elder Bontu
  • Aaron
  • Breanne
Old Mill:
  • Merchants
  • Customers
Regional Market Docks
  • Merchants
  • Captain Oro
  • First Officer Jeppeson
  • Helmsman Tuck
  • Cook Ol' Chowder

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