Storm King's Thunder

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerun
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Supporting Cast
  • Queen of Mithral Hall Dagnabbet Waybeard
    The queen of Mithral Hall, she is a fierce and determined woman, with both political and battle experience.
  • Harshnag
    A frost giant warrior who wears a white dragon skull helm.
  • Khaspere Drylund
    The owner of a number of casinos and riverboats. He has a residence in Yartar. Current whereabouts are unknown.
  • Nike
    A former soldier and operative with a very toothy grin.
  • Pow Ming
    The majordomo of the Grand Dame casino in Yartar. She is employed by Khaspere Drylund.
  • Tudog Hearthstoker
    Tudog is the son of a Dwarf of some renown, who served Clan Battlehammer during the War of the Silver Marches. He is a tinkerer and artificer by trade, but serves the current queen in whatever capacity she demands.
  • Duke Zalto
    A powerful duke of the Fire Giants, Zalto reigns from his throne in Ironslag.

Sessions Archive

17th Jan 2020

Journey to the Eye

The party has found a new ally, and are searching for the Eye of the All-Father.

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Kaz Hearthstoker

Borgan Tometiller

Level 8 Rock Gnome Chaotic Good Rogue
/ 65 HP

Hushed Candle

Level 8 Tabaxi Rogue
(Urban Bounty Hunter)
/ 80 HP

Kauth Moon-Eye