Journey to the Eye Report

General Summary

The Muffin Men, guided by the Frost Giant Harshang, climbed out of the Valley of Khedrun on a long-forgotten path leading to the Eye of the All-Father. Outside of the massive temple, they met a party of Great Worm Tribe barbarians under the leadership of their chieftan, Wormblod. The party creatively chose to spy on the interlopers through Ophio's detect thoughts spell, learning that the barbarians were there for nothing more than the potential for loot. With that, the party chose to join battle against the tribals. Borgan used his newest toy, his magical shortbow, and loosed a single arrow at Wormblod's charging pet white dragon wyrmling. The shot was so well placed it downed the dragon mid-flight, and the corpse plummeted to the gnome's feet. The rest of the barbarians were no more of a match for the group, and they all fell in quick succession. Kaz and Kauth kept one of the barbarians alive, but learned nothing of substance from their captive, and chose to send him to the afterlife with his companions.    Harshnag continued to bash the doors to the temple, chipping away the ice that was weakened by Ophio's fireball. After about 15 minutes of work, the giant forced the doors to the temple open. Inside, the party found the grand hall of the temple, a mysterious runed portal, and 7 massive giant statues. The massive central statue was of the All-father, Annam, and the other 6 each represented one of the Giant clans: Fire, Hill, Stone, Cloud, Frost, and Storm. They all held massive weapons, save for the Frost Giant. After some debate over the solution to the mysterious puzzle before them, one of the Muffin Men told Harshnag to touch his greataxe to the rune "Ise", which the giant determined was the frost rune. The rune pulsed and released a massive frost storm on the party, pelting everyone with hail. Undaunted, the group tried another weapon and another rune. On their instruction, Harshnag took the adamantine trident held by the Storm Giant statue. Sadly, the placement of the statues didn't seem to correlate with the placement of the runes, leaving the party guessing as to where to try next.    While they debated, Harshnag grew impatient and picked a rune at random. He touched the rune directly above the "Ise" rune, which reacted similarly to the "Ise" rune when he touched it with Gurt's Greataxe. This time, the rune caused the temple to rumble with a tremor, and four Earth Elementals spawned in the room. The Muffin Men and their ally chose to stay and fight, and a brutal slog ensued. Bit by bit, the party chipped away at the massive granite defenders, and eventually they gained the upper hand and dispatched the elementals. The battle depleted everyone's resources, magical and alchemical, and the group decided to take a long rest in the temple before continuing their attempts to solve the puzzle of the portal.

Character(s) interacted with

Wormblod, Chieftan of the Great Worm Tribe, was killed in combat by the Muffin Men. His body sits outside of the temple, freezing solid in the elements.

Storm King's Thunder
Report Date
17 Jan 2020
Primary Location
Eye of the All Father

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