Session 3/4: Whispers Beyond Dawnhold Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 3/4: Whispers Beyond Dawnhold Report

General Summary

Session 3

The Primarch's Speech

The session began with the party attending the Primarch’s grand speech at Dawnhold. Amidst the gathered crowd, they encountered notable figures such as the adventuring party known as the Saviors of Eldersfield, along with familiar faces like Gilgo the Archmage and Silorva the Merchant. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the Primarch addressed the assembly.  

The Dragon’s Assault

Midway through the speech, an ominous downpour began, accompanied by a thunderous dragon roar. A massive shadow dragon descended upon Dawnhold, initiating a fierce assault. The Primarch, assessing the dire situation, tasked the party with defending the keep from additional shadow attackers while he and the Saviors of Eldersfield engaged the dragon. Notably, Goq was absent, adding to the tension.  

Defending the Keep

Rushing inside the keep, the remaining party members encountered several Shae, shadowy footsoldiers of the Shadow Veil of Narthos. In a series of intense battles, they fought their way through, managing to save several guards of Dawnhold from being overwhelmed by the attackers.  

Confrontation with the Owb and Melkorion

The party’s path led them to a dramatic confrontation where they found a massive Shadow creature known as an Owb holding Lord Gun'nudye by the neck. Tragically, Lord Gun'nudye was killed by the Owb, and the stone he wore around his neck was transferred to a man standing nearby—formerly known as Dr. Vallano, now revealed as Melkorion.  

Battle and Melkorion's Warning

As the party battled the formidable Owb, Melkorion observed with a detached calm. Upon defeating the Owb, Melkorion issued a dire warning about the dangers of pursuing him and his plans. He then vanished, taking the Shadow Stone with him, leaving the party with more questions and a renewed sense of urgency.  

A New Ally

In the aftermath, an elf woman named Sera, who appeared to be a close friend of the slain Lord Gun'nudye, offered to join the party. Her desire to avenge her Lord’s death and stop Melkorion aligned with the party’s mission. Recognizing her skills as a capable doctor, the party accepted Sera into their ranks, bolstering their strength for the challenges ahead.  

Session 4

Setting Out with New Goals

The session began with the party, now joined by Sera, departing from Dawnhold with a clear mission: to gather the three essential artifacts needed to navigate the Shattered Vale. The Primarch had informed them that they required the Phantom Key to disable barriers, the Chrono Compass to stabilize time distortions, and the Astral Map to navigate the ever-shifting passages within the vale. Additionally, they were directed to seek out Thorne Whisperwind, an Orc Barkeep in Tinnervale, who possessed knowledge about these artifacts.  

Arrival in Draggel

The party’s first stop was the village of Draggel, a waypoint on their journey to Tinnervale. Here, an unfortunate incident occurred when they accidentally killed an old man due to extremely poor cooking. Despite this mishap, the citizens of Draggel provided valuable information. They learned that a bandit group known as the Redhorns had been harassing the road toward Dawnbridge and up to Tinnervale, while highly skilled Kobolds were spotted in the northern Ghastbark.  

Encounter with the Redhorns

Deciding to address the bandit threat, the party continued their journey but soon fell into an ambush by the Redhorns on the road to Luxton. Determined to end the bandit menace, they tracked the Redhorns to their camp.  

Storming the Bandit Camp

Upon arriving at the bandit camp, the party launched an aggressive assault without any attempt at negotiation. They systematically took down each member of the Redhorn gang—Jean, John, Jon, Johnny, and Jawn Redhorn—demonstrating their combat prowess. The skirmish ended with the complete annihilation of the bandits, with only minor injuries sustained by the party.  

Discovery of the Phantom Key

In the aftermath of the battle, the party searched the bodies of the fallen bandits and discovered one of the sought-after artifacts: the Phantom Key. This crucial find marked the first major success in their quest to gather the artifacts needed for the Shattered Vale.  

Reflections and Future Plans

With the Phantom Key in their possession, the party is now one step closer to their goal. Their next move is to continue their journey towards Tinnervale, seeking further guidance from Thorne Whisperwind and continuing their quest to obtain the Chrono Compass and the Astral Map. The session concluded with the party regrouping and preparing for the challenges that lay ahead in the ever-dangerous Ghastbark Vale.

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