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The New Dawnbreakers

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Arendor
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  • Arendor
    The world of Arendor is an expansive and dangerous world dotted by several continents and connected by the vast Sapphire and Tempest seas.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 29th June 2024 16:00

Session 7: The Cave of Ghastbark

Ruh roh... There's a Cracked Iron Flind.

Sat 22nd June 2024 16:00

Session 6: The Ghastbark Artifacts

Having discovered that the kobolds likely held one artifact while a dragon held the other, the party would try to acquire both artifacts...

Sessions Archive

15th Jun 2024

Session 5: The Ghastbark Conundrum

Having acquired the Phantom Key, the party seeks out methods to acquire the Chrono Compass and the Astral Map...

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8th Jun 2024

Session 3/4: Whispers Beyond Dawnhold

The party joined the rally at the Primarch's speech, only to discover many nefarious activities afoot...

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4th May 2024

Session 2: Whispers in Dawnhold

As the sun beamed high in the sky, the party stood at the threshold of the Whitestone Barracks, their resolve as steadfast as the ancient stones themselves. Having uncovered the tragic fate of the missing courier at the Reflecting Stream and thwarted the deadly charms of Cleemo the Rusalka, they now sought the elusive "barefoot bandit," believed to be conspiring with a discontented soldier within the city's own ranks. The vital missive, still missing, held secrets that could sway the tides of power in Dawnhold. Tonight, amidst the echoing corridors of the barracks, they would confront Jored Kor, peel back the layers of treachery, and recover the lost words that bore unknown consequences.

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1st Jan 2024

Session 1

As the eve of Jundar yields to the dawn of Julsun, champions across the breadth of Thallindor stir, roused by the clarion call of their nations. From the verdant sweep of Aethoria to the imposing heights of Brakkar Hold, the haunted wastes of Valestria, the indomitable bastions of Cragmoor, and the sun-scorched expanses of Zephyria, a gathering of heroes is summoned to the fortress of Dawnhold. The occasion? An emergency conclave convened under the hallowed light of Selenday. The stakes? Nothing less than the fate of the continent, the very soul of Arendor.

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The Heart of Narthos has vanished, and many heroes have been summoned to Dawnhold. The fate of Arendor rests in the hands of those willing.

This story is told by

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The Protagonists

Sunny Grannach

Gnoll Chieftain Brazen White Bulb Conquering Red Blossom


Goruk of the Cinder Tower