Session 5: The Ghastbark Conundrum Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 5: The Ghastbark Conundrum Report

General Summary

Surveying the Bandit Camp

The session began with the party surveying the aftermath of their battle at the bandit camp. Jethro departed for a brief period while, coincidentally, Goq stumbled upon Warby and Goruk. After regrouping, they thoroughly looted the camp, collecting valuable supplies and information.  

Encounter with the Tyrafdir

Departing from the camp, the party returned to the main road leading to Tinnervale. Along the way, they noticed signs of a massive snake-like beast but chose to press on. They were soon ambushed by a large, snake-like Hydra known as a Tyrafdir. The creature's ferocity overwhelmed the party, forcing them to retreat.  

Return to Draggel

Seeking safety, the party made their way back to Draggel. Upon arrival, they witnessed the Old Man's son and other villagers conducting a funeral pyre for the Old Man, whom the party had accidentally killed a few days prior. Respectfully, they decided not to intrude and instead continued their journey northward to Luxton.  

Mysteries in Luxton

Arriving in Luxton, the party observed that the villagers appeared unusually pale and gaunt, with crops decayed and livestock withered. The town crier informed them that a hydra-type beast had emerged from underground and was terrorizing the southern Ghastbark. Recognizing the creature from their previous encounter, they added it to their list of threats to eliminate.  

Reaching Tinnervale

Finally, the party arrived in Tinnervale and met with Thorne Whisperwind, the Orc Barkeep. Thorne confirmed that they had completed the bounty on the Redhorn bandits and rewarded them with gold. He also offered a magical ring that allowed climbing any surface with ease in exchange for defeating the Kobolds and navigating their shifting cave system. Thorne shared the legend of the great green beast, believed to awaken every thousand years within the Overpit, draining life from the land. Warby managed to defeat Thorne in a drinking contest, earning the barkeep's respect. Impressed by Warby's resilience, Thorne rewarded the party with the Ring of Climbing in advance.  

Searching for the Chrono Compass

Thorne directed the party to seek more information at the Old Post near Dawnbridge. He explained that the Old Man in Draggel, the region's keeper, knew more about the great green beast, but his recent death complicated things. Instead, the party decided to investigate the Old Post.  

Revelations at the Old Post

At the Old Post, the party encountered undead spirits of soldiers. By invoking the authority of Commander Thaloran and declaring their service ended, they dispelled the spirits. They discovered that the Old Post was originally known as Fort Gonrad and learned that the great green beast was a dragon named Svaar'Nultek, entrusted with guarding the Chrono Compass by the old Dawnbringers. They also found instructions for a Binding Ritual necessary to defeat Svaar'Nultek.  

A New Lead

Realizing their best lead on the Binding Ritual was the now-deceased Old Man in Draggel, the party decided to seek out his son, hoping he might possess the knowledge needed to proceed.

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