Episode 39: Gambit of the Green Knight pt. III

General Summary

Quest LogfinWhat is up with that?fin
Explore the Atlas of Kings and its connection to the Stone Circles Head in a jar
House party at the Beacon Who was Elias talking to?
Find the Pathfinder Project Lazarus
Break Mab's hold on Astronomea Aisha is the Green Knight's champion


House Nightbringer does something
Moonbreaker repair (HP) 208 of 250
Valan's card expertise (weeks) 1 of 100
Valan's smithing proficiency (days) 35 of 70
Pharos' Goblin lessons (days) 14 of 70


Vinum 9, 3033: Year of Liberation

Upon the defeat of the Green Knights champion, Aisha Sunbrace, the Flamebringers were ushered out of the colosseum as the victors. The crowd cheered, multicolored fireworks exploded over the stadium, it was an incredible upset that no one had been prepared for. Though, as you were all leaving, Aisha whispered in a voice only Valan could hear, “You have no idea the repercussions of what you have just done.”   You were the new champions and treated as such, given tenure in the champions quarters and able to enjoy the luxuries therein; food cooked for you by the Green Knights chefs, unlimited potions of your choosing, a hotspring that granted you the benefits of a long rest.   All was peaceful until Aisha broke into your chambers, formerly her own, and revealed the deal she had made with the Green Knight.  

Chaining the Night

One year ago, as the Nightbringers tried to leave Astronomea, the Green Knight gave them a similar deal that he had given the Flamebringers; defeat his champion, and they will be granted safe passage over the wall. After winning, Aisha agreed to stay on as champion and made an interim deal with the Green Knight that so long as she was his champion, he would keep the Nightbringers locked in the stands of his colosseum, which did not violate the deal he had with the Nightbringers, as he had never specified when he would allow them safe passage.   However, Aisha needed to make a name for herself as an adventurer, so she was sent back to the Mortal Plane for 33 years to gather fame, so there is a young Aisha currently on the Mortal Plane (ONE old and ONE young, TWO Aisha’s total). Young Aisha will be on the Mortal Plane until 3066, when she will walk through a door and find herself entering the audience chambers of the Green Knight as his Champion at the precise moment her younger self leaves.   But, as Charles could observe, the Nightbringers were now leaving, so the Flamebringers took off, bringing Aisha with them for use of her leaf token so that they might have safe passage through the lands of Astronomea. Briefly stopped by the guards, who said the Green Knight must speak to them before they can leave, they were allowed to pass when Charles offered to "Do him the honor of hosting him on their airship when he is available." The Green Knight himself appeared and accepted that deal, allowing them to leave.   But as the Green Knight disembarked from your ship, Pharos noticed in that moment that the Green Knight makes no sound when he walks, and a nine foot tall fey creature bedecked in full plate with an antlered helm to boot should make noise. He is some sort of illusory presence that contains a consciousness of sorts, and has a silvery thread pointed eastward affixed to his neck.  

Know Your Enemy

Leaving, they scried on the Nightbringers and learned that they were in fact leaving Astronomea. Aboard the Depthdrinker, they could see Valan's brother Sildurflame, the Knifemaster, Eamonn McGreggor, Olivier Devereaux, Squiddly, Zachariah Commstock, and a worse for wear Peter Montauk, all headed by Tyra's father Onvyr and the former Dawnbringer patriarch Zantelar Nightbringer.   Listening in, the Nightbringers were planned to head to the Sentinel, but first would stop at the Ruins of Kyrix, the former capital of the Fulminarian Empire. The scrying was abruptly ended when Devereaux spotted the censor and Peter dispelled the magic, violet spectral gauntlet flashing on his hand as he did so.   While the Flamebringers recognized the Nightbringers were up to no good and needed to be stopped, they could see Solheim in the distance, and so decided to continue deeper into the lands of Winter. They could use their Door to get ahead of them at any time, anyway.

Missions/Quests Completed

Aishia is the Green Knight's Champion: At the cost of her own freedom, Aisha had entered a deal with the Green Knight to imprison the Nightbringers so long as she remains his champion. House Nightbringer does something: After dethroning Aisha, the Nightbringers are free and on their way to the Sentinel.


The Silent Soliloquy

Tyra Dawnbreaker

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
05 Jul 2024

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