The Silent Soliloquy

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Andali
May 15, 2021 | Full


  • Andali Detailed Map
    The Map of the Andalian continent's countries and their boundaries. Tags are included of significant cities, landmarks, and biomes.
Supporting Cast
  • Aengus Etain
    Just a guy trying to tell a story. Also the Chosen of the Bard
  • Ailim Dawnbreaker
    Legendary founder of House Dawnbreaker
  • Aisha Sunbrace
    The closest friend of Valan, Aisha is a mercenary of the Tenebric Vanguard currently under the employ of Cirque de Stille.
  • Arkadeus Finch
    Brilliant mind of the Apocrypha who is a little too willing to help with unethical science.
  • Barnabes Dawnbreaker
    Wizened, ancient high elf of the Dawnbreaker house (deceased).
  • Callisto
    Scared man trying to make his way in the world without causing too much of a stir.
  • Cassandra Dawnbringer
    A young, up and coming mage of the frozen city of Solhiem.
  • Cedrora Dawnbreaker
    Head of House Dawnbreaker
  • Dahlia Dreux
    The estranged eldest daughter of House Dreu, passed over for High Matron for unexplained reasons.
  • Warden of Solheim Dexter Adonis
    People's Champion of Solhiem
  • Draxis Nightbringer
    Childhood friend of Olette's turned Devereaux assassin, Draxis follows the Nightbringers now.
  • Captain Eamonn McGreggor
    Captain of the Depthdrinker, the nautiloid flagship of the Nightbringers.
  • Elaria Valoric
    Discoverer of magic, original wielder of Stormdancer, first emperor of Fulminaria, founder of the Omniscient Dawn, legend.
  • Elias Valkyrix
    One of the potential claimants to the throne of Aurelia by right of blood, Elias is the leader of the Wyldfire conclave of Illemnor.
  • Eris Voltaire
    Leader of the forces of Winter that put pressure on Solheim. (Formerly Elias Volholt. Changed name to avoid confusion with Elias Valkyrix)
  • Eurial
    Lofty cloud giant, floating in her Aerie above the world, studying the divine stone structures that predate Andali as we know it.
  • Galahad
    Galahad, the First to Fall. He's a larger than average Ironsoul who hasn't said much yet. So far it's just, "Lords Flamebringer, I am Galahand. welcome to the Halls of the Ironborn" and that was it but like, you can tell he fucks.
  • Ilyana Dawnbringer
    Headmaster of the Dawnbreaker Academy Divine in Solhiem. Estranged daughter of Zantelar Nightbringer.
  • Iravek Goatstriker
    Handsome traveler
  • Jules
    A very confused robot taken from an Eldritch Machine in the depths of the Rose Protectorate
  • The Sovereign Leonidas Crane
    A quest giver just trying his best
  • Queen of Air and Darkness Mab
    The Winter Witch, Mab has imposed her domain in on the territory formerly known as the Rose Protectorate in a move that tenuously follows the Accords.
  • Nicodemus Anduriel
    Emperor of the Fulminarian Empire. Last everyone checked, also comatose.
  • Null
    The mysterious entity that was released with the fall of the Tower.
  • Olette Bouclier
    Mother to the deceased Valeria Bouclier, Olette has some mysteries to unravel in her hometown.
  • High Inquisitor Olivier Devereaux
    The all-seeing head of House Devereaux, the Inquisitors of House Nightbringer.
  • Onvyr Nightbringer
    Father to Tyra, Onvyr was another of the contingent seen leaving with Zantelar.
  • Peter Montauk
    A man very upset to be pulled out of retirement.
  • Remnik Dawnbreaker
    Mentor to Tyra, captain of House Dawnbreaker guard. Humanitarian, duelist, ally? Villain? Who's to say.
  • Reylin Leysbane
    Eladrin Druid responsible for assisting in saving Solhiem.
  • Sildurflame
    Brother to Valan, the two have a complicated relationship, increasingly so. Traveling with House Nightbringer.
  • High Matron Sonilyth Dreux (deceased)
    Slightly unhinged? Maybe. But she certainly knows how to run a country.
  • Squiddly, Nat, and Jenks
    Three kids just living their best lives. Well, some of them.
  • Sylphiette Aurus-Valoric
    Mother of Charles Aurus-Valoric and member of the Valoric family line by marriage.
  • The Dark
    Dusk. The Endless Night. The Empty Sky,
  • The Green Knight
    A mysterious fae apparition that has appeared to beguile and bewitch the party with his vexing tricks.
  • The Pathfinder
    Friendly neighborhood illegal teleportation expert. Sometimes called Phillip
  • The Speaker
    Deep in the Baerwood, the Speaker leads the Silent Order that has yet to leave its mark on the Flamebringers.
  • The Vagabond
    Living a happily retired life somewhere East of Nowhere
  • Queen of Sun and Sky Titania
    Queen of the Summer Court
  • Valus Aurelius
    Deceased emperor of the Aurelian Empire
  • Vyra Dreux
    Unlikely heir apparent of the Theocracy.
  • Zachariah Comstock
    Aristocrat of the Rose Protectorate, now entangled with House Nightbringer.
  • Zantelar Nightbringer
    Head of House Dawnbringer, after the schism that lead to its creation. Responsible for the slaughter of Vanderlith's mortal family, the razing of the Dawnbreaker estate, and surely much more history has yet to record.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 17th August 2024 10:00

Session 41, the Big One

Sessions Archive

20th Jul 2024

Session 40, Solheim

Read the Report
5th Jul 2024

Session 39, Gambit of the Green Knight pt. III

Read the Report
1st Jun 2024

Session 38, Gambit of the Green Knight, pt. II

The Flamebringers take on Death.

Read the Report
28th Apr 2024

Session 37, On the Road Again

Happy three year anniversary! We continue as we began, with the Flamebringers setting out once more from Helorix.

Read the Report
29th Mar 2024

Session 36, The Return

Read the Report
8th Dec 2023

Session 35, the Beach Episode

The gang takes some much needed vacation time to recuperate, recharge, pursue some passion projects, and de-Hesse-ify the new digs. They have four weeks remaining in their time off.

Read the Report
24th Nov 2023

Session 34, I See Fire

The Flamebringers have a week of downtime in the Red Mountains while they recuperate from their battle with Archduke Hesse, wait for Dawnbringer to be reforged, and decide what their next move should be, among other things.

Read the Report
22nd Jul 2023

30 Echoes of the Past

The Lords Flamebringer call upon the forgotten past to prepare for their coming future.

8th Jul 2023

29 A Challenger Approaches

Oops, big warforged!

14th Apr 2023

The House of Memory, Episode 28: Discourse and Discord

The Lords Flamebringer beseech the King of Dur Bolduhr for access to the Great Forge

18th Sep 2021

In the Afterwards

Brandon plans on returning home for us, to grace us with his, and his new character's, presence. We will also have the pleasure of introducing Nathan Thomson to our wonderful little world that you have destroyed one seventh of.

Now all armaments divine lament I.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Valan Sildurflame

Charles Aurus-Valoric

Tyra Dawnbreaker

8 / 8 HP

Olette Etienne

Champion of Mab and The Winter Court, Wielder of Dawnbringer Pharos