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The Ties that Bind

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerûn
November 27, 2021 | Full


  • Dalelands
    The Dalelands, also referred to as the Dales, was a region in north Faerûn of dense forests and bountiful, rolling farmlands. It comprised a loosely-organized group of countries called dales that were as diverse as they were independent.
  • Scardale Town

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 11th September 2022 21:00

TTB: E38 - TBD

Sessions Archive

4th Sep 2022

TTB: E37 - Katrina in the sky, with diamonds

Having made their way down the mountain to the town of Parnast, our heroes were waylaid by a group of cultists left behind to cover the departure of the flying castle, Skyreach. Afterwards, while searching the local stable, they were able to gain control of two trained wyverns and take to the skies in pursuit of the slowly departing castle.

28th Aug 2022

TTB: E36 - Parnast

Having defeated Talis the White, our heroes prepare to make their way 5 miles down the road to the town of Parnast and, hopefully, Skyreach Castle where they believe Rezmir has gone along with the treasure hoard.

20th Aug 2022

TTB: E35 - Greypeak Mountains

8th Aug 2022

TTB: E34 - Castle Naerytar (Continued)

Having managed to pass for newly recruited cultists, our heroes have begun to investigate Castle Naerytar. Their search continues...

7th Aug 2022

TTB: E33 - Castle Naerythar

Our heroes have navigated the Mere of Dead Men, following the trail of lizardfolk that seem to be involved with the Cult of the Dragon. The trail has led them nearly 15 miles into the heart of the swamp, where they have discovered a walled castle.

31st Jul 2022

TTB: E32 - The Mere

Our heroes have discovered a tunnel beneath the Carnath Roadhouse. It seems the Cult's contraband is being smuggled out through it, but to wehre? And to what purpose?

24th Jul 2022

TTB: E31 - Carnath Roadhouse

Having followed the cultists all the way to the Carnath Roadhouse, on the edge of the Mere of Dead Men, most of the party is camped out in a blind just outside the compound while Chance is disguised as a traveller that joined the convoy just north of Waterdeep. The cultists' contraband has been unloaded into a warehouse and now our heroes are playing a waiting game to see where they take it next.

17th Jul 2022

TTB: E30 - Waterdeep

After two months on the road, our heroes are about to arrive in Waterdeep. There they will have to try to keep tabs on the cultists they have been following in order to determine where they go next and in hopes of them leading them to clues about the whereabouts of Ceasar's parents.

10th Jul 2022

TTB: E29 - Northward (Part Deux)

After three weeks on the road, the caravan continues along the Trade Way towards Waterdeep.

3rd Jul 2022

TTB: E28 - Northward

Having secured passage within the same caravan as the cultists, our heroes prepare to head northward to Waterdeep.

26th Jun 2022

TTB: E27 - Elturel

After many weeks of travel, our heroes are nearing their next destination, Elturel. What will they learn of the fate of Ceasar's parents? Where will their trail lead next?

19th Jun 2022

TTB: E26 - Westward

Having put a stop to the slaving ring that had been operating in the Dalelands, the Bound turn their eyes westward to pick up the cold trail of Ceasar's parents.

12th Jun 2022

TTB: C1E25 - Through the woods and over the river (Conclusion)

Having seized an opportunity, our heroes have attacked the much larger force at the slavers camp. Have they bitten off more than they can chew, or will their cyanide even the odds?

5th Jun 2022

TTB: C1E24 - Through the woods and over the river (Part 4)

Read the Report
30th May 2022

TTB: C2E23 - Through the woods and over the river (Part 3)

Having learned more details about the slaver camp from a captive sentry, our heroes make their way towards the nearby river in hopes of preparing an ambush on the boat that will depart the camp for the Moonse, laden with slaves.

Read the Report
15th May 2022

TTB: C1E22 - Through the woods and over the river (Part 2)

The Bound have run afoul of the Darkhand Cartel in Scardale Town and booked a hasty retreat, but that has not deterred them from their intentions to put an end to the slaving that's happening in the Dalelands and Cormanthor. They have found the sentry line surrounding the camp and have laid an ambush for the sentries that Urirel and DIGE are leading back away from the line. What will happen next?!

Read the Report
8th May 2022

TTB: C1E21 - Through the woods, and over the river

We rejoin our heroes as they plan a full-scale assault on the slavers' distribution camp on the banks of the River Duathamper.

Read the Report
1st May 2022

TTB: C1E20 - Mesym's Fall (Continued)

Having begun their assault on Mesym's slaver camp, The Bound must now delve deeper to finish clearing it out and, hopefully, rescue any slaves within.

Read the Report
24th Apr 2022

TTB: C1E19 - Mesym's Fall

Having caught the apparent ringleader of the slavery ring they've been investigating, The Bound continue their interrogation before deciding how to proceed in their attempts to put an end to slavery in the area.

Read the Report
17th Apr 2022

TTB: C1E18 - A Fork in the Road

Having put a stop to whatever Kithguard Ilgalad and Fritzz Ogrebane were up to in the camp outside the barrier that surrounds ruined Myth Drannor, The Bound returned to Scardale Town to catch Enwyn Goodwe up on their discoveries and accomplishments. In turn, Enwyn shared recent news and rumours from his contact in the Harpers.   Now our heroes must decide which path to follow forward.

Read the Report
6th Mar 2022

TTB: C1E12 - Circling the wagons

Our heroes have ambushed a train of smuggler's wagons in the woods west of Scardale Town.

17th Oct 2021

Session 0

We will complete character backgrounds and set the stage for the campaign before embarking on our starting adventure.

It has been a little over a decade since the Spellplague came to an end. The once peaceful and drowsy Dalelands have become distrustful and unwelcoming; with good reason. The last, covert, vestiges of Sembian (and thus Netherese) influence have been expulsed from the region and the people of the Dales have begun to rebuild and heal.   However, stories spread of strange activity deep in Cormanthor; and the waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars, while replenished by the Great Rain, have been increasingly dangerous to travel. All the while, amongst scholars and practitioners of the arcane arts, rumours abound that something is not quite right with the Weave.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Ceasar Andit

Pax Moonbeam


Katrina Runesong
