The Bound Organization in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Bound

  • 1482 DR

    Katrina enslaved
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Most of Katrina Runesong's family is brutally murdered while she and her younger sister, Sarah, are taken as slaves by mysterious forces.

  • 1493 DR

    Chance rescues Katrina
    Life, Milestone

    Chance won Katrina Runesong in a game of cards and then set her free.

  • 1494 DR

    1 Nightal

    The Ties that Bind Campaign (Start)
    Era beginning/end

    The beginning of the Ties that Bind campaign.

    Tymora's Luck
    Additional timelines
  • 1494 DR

    2 Nightal

    Sinking of Tymora's Luck
    Disaster / Destruction

    The ill-fated (and ironically named) steamwheel casino ship, Tymora's Luck, sinks in the Sea of Falling Stars during a massive storm after being struck by lightning.

  • 1494 DR

    3 Nightal

    Origin: D.I.G.E.
    Life, Identity

    In secret chambers beneath an ancient and mysterious temple in the Sea of Fallen Stars, DIGE learns much about his shrouded past, but it only raises even more questions.

  • 1494 DR

    18 Nightal

    Pax Moonbeam Dies
    Life, Death

    Pax Moonbeam was killed by members of one of the cartels in Scardale Town for refusing to stop repairing the holes in the city walls.

    Scardale Town
  • 1495 DR

    6 Hammer

    Shadow-imbued weapon production stopped
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Bound stop Kithguard Ilgalad and Fritzz Ogrebane's operation that was creating and distributing shadow-imbued weapons across the Dalelands.

  • 1495 DR

    23 Hammer

    The Bound capture Mesym Bourne
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Ceasar Andit manages to lure Mesym Bourne into attempting to kidnap him and sell him into slavery, then turns the tables on the slaver.

    Session Report
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    Singing Siren
  • 1495 DR

    25 Hammer

    Rescued the slaves at Mesym's camp
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Bound successfully assault Mesym's Camp and free the slaves being held there.

    Session Report
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  • 1495 DR

    25 Hammer

    War with the Darkhand Cartel
    Diplomatic action

    The Bound openly attack members of the Darkhand Cartel in the streets of Scardale Town.   Realizing this will be seen as a declaration of war, they quickly escape the city for the cartel can seek retribution.

    Session Report
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    Scardale Town
  • 1495 DR

    28 Hammer

    Uri dies
    Life, Death

    Urirel Naïlo dies when she falls out of a tree after being struck by an enemy's arrow during a fight between The Bound and a group of sentries from the Slaver Camp.

    Session Report
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  • 1495 DR

    29 Hammer

    Cormanthor Slave Camp Broken
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    In a daring assault, The Bound manage to route the Slaver Camp that had been operating out of Cormanthor. While the victory and the resulting freeing of the slaves there were rewarding, they were tarnished by the escape of both Kithguard Ilgalad and Azbara Jos.

    Slaver Camp
  • 1495 DR

    30 Hammer

    The search for Ceasar's parents begins

    Leaving the Slaver Camp and stopping briefly to settle the freed slaves, The Bound book passage to Ilipur on their way to Elturel to begin their search for Ceasar Andit's parents.

  • 1495 DR

    17 Ches

    The search for Ceasar's parents continues

    Having met Leosin Erlanthar in Elturel, The Bound learned that Ceasar Andit's parents were last known to be travelling to Baldur's Gate in hopes of infultrating a caravan of contraband being shipped somewhere north by the Cult of the Dragon. The group then proceeded to travel to Baldur's Gate and get hired as personal guards for a woman named Green Imsa, providing them the cover they needed to join a similar caravan to the one Ceasar's parents had been following.   From there, they would embark on a journey north along the Trade Way.

    Baldur's Gate
  • 1495 DR

    19 Mirtul

    Sarah's Embrace
    Life, Supernatural

    After being plagued by dreams of her sister, Sarah, during their 2 months of travel along the Trade Way, Katrina Runesong meets Sarah's ghost in the City of the Dead in Waterdeep.   Sarah absolved Katrina of her guilt and offered that, together, they could avenge themselves against the root cause of her violent death and protect others from similar fates. As Sarah's ghost embraced Katrina it also embraced her halberd and merged with it.

  • 1495 DR

    27 Mirtul

    Carnath Roadhouse

    The search for Ceasar Andit's parents has led all the way to the Carnath Roadhouse, a supply depot on the edge of the Mere of Dead Men where Lord Neverember has work crews rebuilding the road from Waterdeep to Neverwinter. At first glance it seems their search has come to a dead end, but Chance has infultrated the convoy and the Roadhouse itself, so perhaps he will find a further lead as to where Ceasar's parents went from here when they took a similar path.

    Mere of Dead Men
  • 1495 DR

    30 Mirtul

    Castle Naerytar

    The Bound come across Castle Naerytar deep in the Mere of Dead Men and systematically dismantle this Cult of the Dragon base of operations. Unfortunately, they find no sign of Ceasar Andit's parents, nor any clue as to the ultimate destination of all this treasure; except for a teleportation circle hidden in the basement of the castle.

    Castle Naerytar
  • 1495 DR

    1 Kythorn

    Talis the White defeated
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Bound defeat Talis Kasterel at his hunting lodge and learn that Rezmir and the treasure hoard are on their way to a flying castle in the neighbouring town of Parnast.

  • 1495 DR

    1 Kythorn 01:00

    Cult of the Dragon Defeated
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Bound defeat much of the known leadership of the Cult of the Dragon - Azbara Jos, Rath Modar, and Rezmir.

    Skyreach Castle


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