What is the galaxy like beyond the protection of the Heatro army? What are the real truths and lies?
The Vanish holds many secrets.. The more you know, the more you realize time is running thin..
Blue Menace has something to show you. It knows some new knowledge about the Vanish and Sudo's plan..
Zork has trapped you in his ship and landed you somewhere.. Find your way out, and don't be surprised by what lurks in the dark.
The Ionion is a threat to the Heatro. Take it out before it does too much damage.
The Aeon Guard gave told you that the Seycort empire is planning something big soon on the Drop Off Zone A on Judo near the Heatro Headquarters.
This is the Introduction to the Era of the Traveler. You live in Leupon on planet Corona during the times of the Gleaning. You will soon find out the meaning of all of the chaos, and face your greatest fears..