Session 6: The Summit Report
General Summary
The four had the day off. Near the end of their break, Trajann heard a voice from a room and called the others to come in and look at what the voices were. They went inside and saw a book laying on the ground. It was black and had on the cover: "The Book of Knowledge". FE decided to open the book and saw a vision. The vision started out with a big black sphere in the background, and a figure in front. The figure was about to destroy the universe. The sphere was slashed by a white light, and the figure was stopped. The vision fast forwarded into a future time with the same senario, but the light never came, so the figure successfully destroyed the universe. The four brought the book to Nulk, who did not know what it was. He proceeded to read it, and he got extremely worried, told them that "they had already lost", and vanished in thin air. Just after, the sirens alarmed, and the Heatro Headquarters was under attack. The four met up with Gorga, who said that the Seycort were invading, and the forces were too big. Kohligess's ship was up in the sky, so he was leading the attack. Kohligess was the emporer of the Seycort army. The four and Gorga decided to make an escape in their ship. They ran for the docking station, and fought many hybrids along the way. As they boarded their ship, the saw Kohligess unboarding his and staring at them.
Rewards Granted
The Book of Knowledge