A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game
In the world of Ferox
Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
Grace Sakkyoku
A straightforward Vulpes who hails from the city of Kilvas and is traveling the continent in order to complete her pilgrimage. She is the Vice-Captain of the FLORA party Greycap.
An Electrophorus priest and leader of the FLORA party Greycap. She first met Stormageddon due to their connection with Grace, and has since become a close ally and cooperator with the party on their many exploits.
Virion Renbrak
A Canus who grew up in a remote village nestled deep within the Kyoukai Mountain ranges. Due to a conflict between an opposing clan, he was exiled, and forced to journey beyond his home to the greater continent of Ferox. He has since joined the FLORA party Greycap, and has continually assisted Stormaggedon throughout their many exploits in Ferox.