Grace Sakkyoku

Grace Sakkyoku is a Vulpes Gloomstalker from Kilvas, former member of the adventuring party Atlas, and current member of Greycap. She is an extremely skilled scout and ranger. She is very adept with the bow, but her primary form of combat revolves around the two kukri machetes she keeps at her sides. They are weighted in such a way that they can be used as thrown weapons and are even enchanted to return to her hand after they are thrown.   Grace is a calm-headed, straightforward individual with a very defined sense of justice. She is not afraid to tell others what she thinks and cares little for decorum, though she has enough knowledge and experience to follow such procedures when necessary.   Stormageddon met her on a mission in which they were tasked with finding the missing members of Atlas. After ambushing them and holding Silvius hostage, the two worked together to escape the onslaught of various Specter Beasts that were assailing them.   Stormageddon later encountered her in Ashera, where they learned she had joined Greycap alongside another former acquaintance, Virion Renbrak. Afterward, she would introduce the party to what would become their newest member, Reis Sangiolune

A straightforward Vulpes who hails from the city of Kilvas and is traveling the continent in order to complete her pilgrimage. She is the Vice-Captain of the FLORA party Greycap.

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Medium, Gray
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Notable Relationships:
Virion Renbrak
James Herros
Reis Sangiolune


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