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Session 1: The Treaty of Thronehold Report

General Summary

  Our adventurers report to Fairhaven, Aundair for the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold. Each of them a stranger to one another, their memories from the last war scrambled due to complications near the Mournland. Upon entering the palace they soon realize this place is quite different than they expected it to be. Magical objects are not allowed inside. The Posh look down on the "honored veterans and guests." A man interrupts the ceremony adding in a toast to Cyre that Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn refused to give. While others looked back at the Queen when she demanded their attention, Zero looked on at the man being dragged out of the hall.
  Please note that all characters in this adventure are level 7, they all struggle with some memory loss (some worse than others) due to being near or in Cyre on the Day of Mourning. The Party Members do not know each other.

    • Alain Faldren d'Orien - a dragonmarked, human Sorcerer who has worked hard to work his way up the ranks of House Orien. Starting as a humble courier, then guard for the lightning rails, and finally moving into Acquisitions later in the war. He is excited to be present at the signing of the treaty not only to be present with his equals but shake hands with those who can help him move further up the ladder. His work in Acquisitions and his connections earned him an invitation to the treaty signing.
    • Doenahareth (Doe) - a Kalashtar monk who is learning to adapt to society after being torn away from their secluded Monastary and thrown into the war as a combat medic. Doe is constantly searching for his lost girlfriend and master from the monastery. They often struggle with fitting into society due to their isolated upbringing; but are very excited to meet people and discover new things! Though Doe's memories from the last days of the Last War are foggy, it was their superb work as a combat medic that earned them a seat
    • Munia and Sunia - two gnome Artificer sisters from a set of triplets. They were in Cyre on the Day of Mourning and are searching for their presumed dead sister. One a talented Artillerist and the other an expert, though chaotic, Alchemist are ready to put their skills to the test to discover their lost sister and their memories about what happened in Cyre. Their survival is marked as extremely impressive and earned them a seat at the signing of the treaty.
    • Quintus - a Kalashtar Rogue with a heart of gold who is always on the hunt for a better paying gig. Though he devoted himself to House Tarkanan (a criminal organization), Quintus has spent the last few years working with House Orien as a contracted working in Acquisitions. His good work has surprised his superiors and earned him an invitation to the treaty signing.
    • Zero - a Warforged Fighter who is entering a brand new world. Zero was forged by House Cannith during the war and then sold to the Halflings in the Talenta planes. Now with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold, Zero has been granted freedom as a fully recognized, sentient race. He was selected by a random lottery to represent the Warforged from the Talenta Planes during the singing of the Treaty of Thronehold.
  The party members awaken in their individual rooms and find strange devices, some familiar with the technology others not. The devices act like intercoms and spit out daily itinerary and newspapers from the wall.
    • Doenahareth reads an article about Nim and Pip (a halfling couple) getting married to celebrate being together for 20 years during the war and the peace treaty.
    • Alain Faldren d'Orien reads an article about the crime rising in the New Cyre refugee camp that has been set up in Breland. The article states that crime in New Cyre is on the rise, it is not just Cyrians on Cyrians but Brelanders taking advantage of the destitute Cyrian refugees. As Alain reads about the New Cyre camp he gets a strange feeling and sees a flash of himself gripping a crate, struggling to carry it through streets of disorganized, fleeing people.
    • Munia reads an article about the The Tribunal of Thronehold. Munia had heard whispers about the Tribunal of Thronehold but the article really confirms it is a real thing. The article describes what the Tribunal will do as an entity and informs readers that Q'barra does not acknowledge the Tribunal of Thronehold even though it is signing the Treaty of Thronehold.

  Breakfast is served in a grand hall that can easily accommodate 300 to 500 people. The room is bustling with war-battered veterans, nobility, and royalty of all races and places around Khorvaire.
    • Alain recognizes the queen, shifts his clothes into a finer set of clothes - ready to mingle with the elite.
    • Quintis and Alain see each other. Alain can't quite place Quintis. But Quintis sees a flash from the past, Alain and him laughing in a train, and then Alain dying on the field whisps of Doe's hair flying in their faces as they attempt to place him. Alain is acting too high and mighty for Quintis, but Quintis does remember his face.
    • Zero bangs his helmet onto the table, watching others interact and causing a mild scene since he does not eat.
    • Doe walks around eating and people watching. They bump into an Elf who looks down on them. It is clear that the Elf is not a huge fan of Doe. "I do recommend you use a table...enjoy your staaaaaaayyyyy!" Leaving Doe to sit alone.
    • Munia forces their sister Sunia to eat in an annoying sisterly fashion.
  After breakfast, the adventurers return to their rooms and are informed not to bring any nonessential magical items or weaponry into the castle. While the rest of the party complies, Munia hides her gun in her bosom. While on the way into the castle, the party members get stuck in a long security line. As they wait they hear reminding announcements not to bring any weaponry and non-essential magical items into the castle, for they will be confiscated. Munia chooses to try to further conceal her weapon in her bosom.
  As the two gnomes, Munia and Sunia walk forwards the extent of the security system becomes clear. Before them is an arcane arch that can not only identify weaponry and different magic items but also cast hold person when someone violates the law. Munia and Sunia witness another attendee get held and their weapon confiscated. Munia decides to keep her gun in her bosom. Unfortunately for Munia, this goes exactly as expected. The arcane gate activates, holding her as the female guard casts magehand and confiscates her gun.
  The Ceremony takes place in a large, luxurious hall. Different leaders from all parts of Khorvaire give speeches about the prospect of peace and the future of their new nations. Towards the end of the ceremony Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn  takes the podium and begins her speech. During her speech someone interrupts her, it is revealed to be Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn from Cyre. He interjects a toast to Cyre and the New Cyre refugee camp. The Queen keeps a cold face and informs him that Cyre is no longer, nor was it ever.
  Note: the characters are sitting Q D A Z S M

The Acquisition Chronicles (TAC)
Report Date
17 Aug 2021

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