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The Acquisition Chronicles (TAC)

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Acquisition Chronicles
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Supporting Cast
  • Almadiah Biris
    Elitist Elf who looks down on all who do not know or respect the classist societal rules in place.
  • Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn
    Aundair is ruled by Queen Aurala ir’Wynarn. Aurala is a just ruler, but she has never abandoned the dream of a Galifar reunited under her rule.
  • Kwanti d'Orien
    Head of House Orien.
  • Nim
    A female halfling from the Paw Tribe in the Talenta Planes. She marries Pip.
  • Oargev ir'Wynarn
  • Pip
    A male halfling from the talenta planes, he marries Nim.
  • Rhyse Qyminor
    The haughty Elf who seems to look down on Doe.
  • Warx of Metrol
    A changeling who works as the assistant for the "King." He hires the party to work for his "King" and retrieve some documents.

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 3rd January 2022 20:00

Session 12: Flamekeep

Mon 4th October 2021 20:00

Session 6: Jailhouse Rock in Lathleer

Mon 27th September 2021 23:00

Session 5: Lathleer

Problems arise in Lathleer.

Sessions Archive

12th Oct 2021

Session 7: The Crying Fields

Read the Report
20th Sep 2021

Session 4: The Road to Thrane

Read the Report
13th Sep 2021

Session 3: The DnD DMV

Read the Report
23rd Aug 2021

Session 2: A Celebration of Peace

Read the Report
16th Aug 2021

Session 1: The Treaty of Thronehold

Veterans and nobility from across Khorvaire gather as the Treaty of Thronehold is ceremonially finalized.

Read the Report

This story is told by

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The Protagonists
