
A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Tyria
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Supporting Cast
  • Ara
    A thin grudge like creature with elf like qualitys was found with the lash of shadows. has taken a liking to eiofa. Wont talk to non-elves and speaks telepathically. Has amnesia regarding her life before the party found her. is considered a time space anomolie by the inevitabes the enforcers of Meachanis the plane of Law Whilst in the Embassy of Mechanis in Vaninhiem the a Quarut and a zarakhut cast time stop and were about to destroy the Anoloue AKA Ara. when the party came to both Contructs where crumpled into smoldering balls of metal and magic and Ara was on the Ground passed out.
  • Constantia von Zarovich
    adopted daughter of Straud. hopes to usurp him. resides in her own demi plane in the shadowfell. finely dressed in vest and tail coat accented in blue
  • Dindelu
    11 years of age and younger to Dinlood by two minuets, Dindelu is a three foot nothing kobold women with cobolt blue scales, her horns are ram like which her mother
  • Dygus Palepelt
    a scared and Battleworn Leonin that runs the Maguuma Arena. has a scar on his eye that never fully helaed the eye pale white as his fur.
  • Marina
    a young sea elf that acted as the parties guide in Selynavarin she wears lobster armour in stark contracst to the large chitin armour of the other royal guards due to her small frame and limited royal funds.
  • Nithridrar
    silver dragon of unknown age. met inside large mountain. powerful
  • Tatra Bournholdt
    Gnome, tiny, sweet, shy, adhd. Pulished author Senor Member of the Order of Giants And experienced archeologist, though has a tendency to lose teams alot. Buys family gift baskets though
  • The Monkey
    a gaint brown owl with patches of white and grey feathers starting to show owns the flying monkey resort other NPCs the party has come across has refered to her as the Ice Bitch Has taken Dindelu under her tutorlege Is bothe Revered and feared by high ranking officials of Lions Arch Urthoburk has said she can be "difficult" saved utrthoburlk in the arena after he fell into lava "The Safety of the city"
  • The Weaver
    ye have been warned to be wary of the weaver by Baba Yaga as they collect rare weapons with extreme prejudice
  • Queen of the Jade Sea Typhanni
    The Endentured Queen of Selynavarin, tall green sea elf that aslo works as the private secretary of Venerable True Nobel Dhesseli the Temperate
  • Saint Urthoburk
    captain of the lions arch guard. kind warm voice and nature a true person of the townsfolk Saint weilds Excalibur

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