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A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Ladrin
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Supporting Cast
  • Mage-King Eric Ladrin
    The Mage-King of Ladrin, and protector of its people.
  • Malkraw
    The Champion of the people of Ladrin. Orphaned at birth, he chose to take an oath to protect his new home after he was unfairly banished to the Astral Plane.

Sessions Archive

21st Sep 2020

Session 1: What's in the cave? for real this time

20th Sep 2020

Session 1: What's in the cave?

Smells like dead bodies in here, I wonder what it could be.

one-shot campaign

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Ursa Falsus

Level 10 Half-Orc Chaotic Neutral Monk
/ 90 HP

Killua Verigold

Level 6 Shifter True Neutral Ranger
/ 52 HP


Level 6 Tiefling Lawful Neutral Bloodhunter
/ 46 HP

Treefist Russki

Level 6 Goliath Neutral Good Barbarian
/ 79 HP