Grand Marshal of the Watchers Killua Verigold | World Anvil

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Grand Marshal of the Watchers Killua Verigold
The Devil's Eyes

Level 20 Shifter Neutral Ranger
/ 204 HP

The stoic and methodical grand marshal of an order of non human rangers called the watchers. Known for his piercing yellow eyes and unparalleled swordsmanship. Used to be a brash merc until the death of his old master and mentor, took over the watchers

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The major events and journals in Killua's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 1: What's in the cave?

02:00 am - 21.09.2020

Session 1: What's in the cave?

01:57 am - 21.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Killua.

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Other Characters by jancjanco