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Tal'Dorei Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Tal'Dorei
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Supporting Cast
  • Acholos
    Acholos is dapple grey, his humanoid body having pale white skin. His eyes are deep grey, and the hair of his head and his tail are both pure white. Acholos wears only light chain over his short robes. Acholos is sombre and direct, and seems to be the oldest of the centaur group the party have met.
  • Andy Heartfiddle
    He's the boy-of-all-work in The Laughing Ogre inn, a young, scrawny gnome with dark circles under his eyes, like he's not getting much sleep. His hair is a white poof of fuzz. He's nervous and fidgety, and doesn't work nights, only days. His parents own the village bakery, his granny is Ogda Quickboot. Oh yeah, he was also a werewolf until the party cured him of his curse.
  • Arche
    Arche (Ar-kay). Arkay is of indeterminate gender, they/them pronouns. They are of pure sable fur, deep black skin, with golden eyes. They have long black hair, braided carefully, and they wear ornamental armour. Arche is sensible and calm.
  • Late Matron Mother Ardulace Despana
    The recently deceased Matron Mother of Ust Natha, mother of Phaere Despana, grandmother of Seldszar Tlinorzza of House Despana, and Yasreena Despana. Murdered by her grandson, Seldszar, under mysterious circumstances. Something of a tyrant and a zealot.
  • Beryl Thunderhammer
    The most beautiful dwarf woman in all of Kymal, maybe even in all of Tal'dorei. It's rumoured she's half-elf, because her features are far more delicate than most dwarves. Her hair is dyed pastel pink, and she wears the rarest diamond of them all, pink diamonds, around her wrists and neck. She is part of the triumvirate running the Pristine Diamond Brothel. Currently running for Mayor of Kymal
  • Blammyzatoom The Wizard
    Blammyzatoom, as he appeared in his youth
  • Catelina Kainz
    The woman who runs the Slithering Fang Inn. Catelina has dreadlocks that reach her mid-back, woven with strands of gold wire. She has a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose, which is at an awkward angle, like she was in more than a few fistfights.
  • Eleonora Stonescale
    Charismatic, old and slightly confused dwarf who owns The Magical Shoppe in Kymal. She's not very creative when it comes to names. She's easily in her 300s, she's white of hair, with a face like a wizened apple and glistening black eyes. She's stooped, but still composed.
  • Gagall Thunderfist
    Friend of @Catelina Kainz, and bouncer of the Slithering Fang Inn. Gagall has something of an intellectual disability, and Catelina gave him the job in the inn to keep him occupied and out of trouble. He gets to bash idiots before Catelina has to get involved, and he gets to chat with nice people. It's a good life for him, and he really likes animals, so he gets to help out with the inn's stable.
  • Jaktur Krishtan
    The showboating heir of the Maiden's Wish casino in Kymal, Jaktur wants to put Kymal on the map, and not in the "avoid this place at all costs" kind of way. No, he wants Kymal to become the number one tourist destination in all of Exandria!
  • Madame Pearl
    An onyx tiefling working in the Kymal brothel, the Pristine Diamond. She goes by the moniker Madame Pearl. If she has another name, she likely hasn't told you.
  • Ogda Quickboot
    A tiny gnome woman of advanced age. Despite her cataracts, there's still a gleam in her eyes. She's wiry and small, with frizzy white hair. You'll often find her in her rocking chair in the family bakery, The Dusty Apron, in [url:]Hightower Village[/url]. At night, she may rock in her chair while clutching her trusty crossbow. Ogda was a rogue adventurer in her youth, and went adventuring with Blammy, Charthra, [url:]Eleonora [/url]and Ettrian. After retiring from adventuring, Ogda started a family, and is very pleased to be a grandma. She also trains young people in the village in how to use crossbows, in order to learn how to defend themselves and the village of Hightower. With Blammy and Charthra gone, Ogda considers it her duty to defend the village, and also to empower other villagers to do the same.
  • Phaedrica
    Phaedrica has a chestnut body, her skin is brown, and her eyes are green. The hair on her head and on her tail are both deep brown, almost black. Phaedrica wears dark brown leather armour, beautifully engraved with green dyes to look like twisting vines growing across her torso. Phaedrica is somewhat passionate and hotheaded, and seems to be the youngest of this group
  • Matron Mother Phaere Despana
    Instated as Matron Mother of Ust Natha barely a fortnight ago, Phaere Despana is a novel feature in the city. Her mother, Ardulace Despana, was murdered by her own grandson, and Phaere has stepped up to fill the shoes she left behind. Phaere is hoping for a different future for Ust Natha, one that seeks to forget the paranoia of the past. Beautiful, elegant, with deep violet skin and immaculate white hair, she cuts a remarkable and distinctive figure. She wears the Diadem of Ust Natha, a stunning piece made of obsidian, set with iridescent opals to mimic the eyes of the mighty spider.
  • Pitika Thunderhammer
    Short, round-cheeked, and pink of hair (a shade that does not flatter her sallow skin tone) twinkling hazel eyes and freckles, Pitika is the upbeat and perky assistant in The Magical Shoppe. Working with Eleonora, Pitika often has to step in when the elderly dwarf gets sleepy or cranky.
  • Slaughter Lord Quugug
    Currently a mere rumour from the centaurs. Quugug is the leader of a horde of orcs unlike any other, and appears to follow Gruumsh, the Ruiner, of the Betrayer Gods.
  • Randall (Unknown)
    A harmless local pervert - I mean, uh, [i]artisan[/i] who is "gifted" with a talent for taxidermy. He'll pay adventurers who bring him hides he can turn into his objets d'art. None of the locals are really sure how he stays in business, or has money, as his art is frankly weird, and often freaky.
  • Seldszar Tlinorzza of House Despana
    A murderer on the run from Ust Natha. He openly told the party he murdered his grandmother at the bidding of the Crawling King, but now he can't hear him any more.
  • Yasreena Despana
    A drow stalker. Feared among even her own people, Yasreena has mastered the art of being the ultimate endurance predator. She is devoted to her mother, Phaere Despana, and has been raised to believe that defending her, and her grandmother before her, is her life's work. Yasreena is tall, sinewy, and hides her deep grey skin behind her mask and cloak. It's rumoured that she has a secret passion for making art, but that's likely just a vicious rumour to make her sound less scary than she is.

Season 3, Episode 3

The party are "surfing the web" as Spiderbait and Yuk Yuk, their goblin companions call it, as they traverse the Silken Paths that lead through the Underdark to Ust Natha. Having run into trouble with the various beasties and bugaboos on the web covered chasm, and in great peril, the party's paladin, Finelle, called upon a Planar Ally to assist them, resulting in the Champion of Ravens manifesting to grant them aid, on the condition that a favour is owed. The party took a brief rest, and now we return to find out what favour they could owe to a celestial entity...

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 2nd November 2021 19:00

Season 2, Session 5

Leaving Kymal after spider-related incidents, the party are heading back to Hightower.

Thu 26th August 2021 19:00

Season 2, Session 3

Cancelled because RL stuff

Sessions Archive

5th Oct 2021

Season 2, Session 4

Caleb, Jerric, and Torinn awoke to find Khaishan had gone (expected) and so had Azazel (very unexpected!). After seeking out Del, they heard a commotion, and upon seeking out its source, discovered a disgusting yellow oozing creature. A new ally assisted, and after the battle, Caleb, Jerric and Del sought out the cause of the attack, discovering Randall was behind it all. The group decided to go get breakfast after their busy morning, and the day awaits...

12th Aug 2021

Season 2, Session 2

After a street fair that left the party less than impressed, Khaishan announces a plan to leave for a time and investigate rumours of orcish trouble in the Dividing Plains. There's an election in only six days' time, and Kymal has two futures at stake.

20th Jul 2021

Season 2: Session 1 Jul

The party, having met the centaurs on their journey back to Kymal, have now reached the city. They have learned disturbing things, and return to find a mayoral election underway. What happens next is up to them.

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Torinn Kummerspeck Linxakasendalor

Lawful Good Dragonborn (Alcolyte)
Cleric 9
52 / 52 HP

Delathiel (Del) Galanodel

Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 9
82 / 82 HP

Finelle Balderk

Caleb Sherwood

Lawful Neutral Human (Outlander)
Ranger 9
66 / 66 HP