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Season 2: Session 1 Jul Report

General Summary

At the end of Season 1...

The party, comprising of Azazel, Caleb, Delathiel, Jerric, Khaishan, Torrin were making their way back to Kymal. En route, they encountered a family of gnomes who were stuck in the bad weather, their cart losing a wheel, and being set upon by stirges. The party kindly assisted with the broken wheel, and Jerric escorted them back to Hightower Village to ensure their safety, leaving him around a half day behind the rest of the party.    The party, minus Jerric, continued on to Kymal. On their way, they were accosted by three centaurs - Arche, Phaedrica, and Achelos. After some interaction, the party assured them that they were not hostile. The centaurs asked would the party agree to help provide some protection from the orcish hordes for their Herdmeet in a month's time, as the centaurs travel across the Dividing Plains and head for the Throne of the Archeart in the Ironseat Ridge mountains. The party members agreed.    The centaurs agreed to camp overnight with the party, aiming for safety in numbers. During the night, a trapper was prevented from slaying an owlbear, thanks to the intervention of Torinn, Azazel and the ranger, Caleb. During the next watch of the night, a child's cry was heard, and upon investigating, a newborn half-orc baby was found abandoned, with a note begging that whoever found her protect "Baby Aniss". Khaishan, feeling a kinship with a fellow half-orc, decided he would take the child to the Pristine Diamond in Kymal and ask the ladies of the brothel to take care of her, and he would contribute to her upkeep. Azazel, confused to see Khaishan holding a baby, wondered had he given birth - apparently unaware of orcish biology - and thinking that maybe orcs are like seahorses.    Del, rather unusually for an elf, found that during his nightly meditation he had what could only be described as a nightmare - a flashback to the worst moment of his life. Unsettled, he put it from his mind until they could reach Kymal, but the lack of a proper rest left him less vital than he had been.    Upon reaching Kymal, the first course of action was to secure a safe home for baby Aniss, which Del and Khaishan found in the brothel. They also went on to meet Lofi Nimblefingers, and offer to help train the city guard. Azazel, Caleb, and Torinn went to local artisan and pervert, Randall, the purveyor of fine taxidermy, and bought his finest creation to date - a coyote/chupacabra looking thing in graduation robes.    That party sought out lodgings for the night and found them in The Slithering Fang Inn, run by Catelina Kainz and her goliath assistant, Gagall.    And that was where we left them.   Until...    

Season 2, session 1

    We meet the party again in Kymal, where they find the city ready for its first ever mayoral election.    Posters cover the walls of the city, many of them bearing the familiar face of a beautiful dwarf or a human with a magnificent handlebar moustache, declaring:  



Because it takes a dwarf to cut a rough like Kymal into a diamond


Vote JAKTUR KRISHTAN for mayor!

Wanted: strong, loyal locals to join the new city watch. Speak to Lofi Nimblefingers in the new town hall for more info.

Formed thanks to a generous donation from Coinmaster Chaz and Madame Pearl

WANTED: Animal hides. Speak to Randall. Any quality accepted. Will pay. Must create more art.
  Khaishan and Del, after taking care of duties with baby Aniss and the city guard, went to the Slithering Fang to rest after their journey.    Torinn, wanting to find a tailor, was recommended to go to the Magical Shoppe, run by Eleonora and her upbeat assistant, Pitika. Torinn, Azazel, and Caleb got to the shop just as Pitika was about to close up. Torinn discussed the robes of Lolth he had acquired, and asked could it be re-dedicated to his goddess instead. Pitika marvelled at the unique robes, telling him that the spider silk would dissolve in direct sunlight, and advised she'd have to enchant them to keep him from having a wardrobe malfunction. She advised it might take anything from three days to a week.    As the trio returned to the inn, they encountered a bit of a stir involving a marching band and the man from the mayoral election posters - Jaktur Krishtan - tossing coins out alongside confetti, shaking hands and asking for votes. The noise of the marching band eventually lured Del and Khaishan outside.    Jaktur introduced himself, neglecting to mention his tiefling assistant Gertrude, and upon realising the party were not native to Kymal, he offered them one free roll in his casino, making Gertrude hastily note the terms and conditions of this offer:   "All free rolls will not result in any sort of payout, fiscal or otherwise, and are merely intended for the purposes of fun. If you don’t have money, the guards will have you removed from the premises. No imps or any variety of familiar are allowed in the casino. No mind-reading spells may be used at the blackjack or poker tables. No refunds will be entertained in any way, shape, or form. Mister Krishtan is an equal opportunities employer. Any promises made in this campaign may or may not be fulfilled upon Mister Krishtan taking office, and the office of Mister Krishtan will not accept complaints of this nature.”     He also told the party there would be a street fair tomorrow afternoon and offered free food and drink, while Gertrude provided yet another caveat.    Upon realising who the party were, he offered them work, but had something of an uncomfortable reunion with Khaishan. While Jaktur did not seem to initially recognise him, Khaishan most certainly knew Krishtan. Hearing his name, Krishtan came to a sudden realisation and remarked that Khaishan was practically family, almost a cousin of sorts!    He hastily moved on, while Gertrude attempted to get the party's details. Khaishan made it clear that he would not work with Krishtan under any circumstances. Accepting the refusal, Gertrude moved on, but the party were rather confused and concerned by this interaction.    Returning inside, they found Jerric was already waiting for them, having somehow sneaked past them all during the hullabaloo. The party caught up about the centaurs, baby Aniss, and the weird poster about vampires (turns out it's just vampire bats), and Jerric had something of an emotional response upon hearing that the head of the new city watch, Lofi Nimblefingers, had been injured during the dragon attack in Emon. Torinn asked about it, and learned that Jerric's home was attacked during the rise of the Chroma Conclave, too.   Jerric asked Catelina about the vampires and the mayoral candidates. Catelina gave her opinions honestly, and Jerric returned to their table to tell the group that the Clasp are running the Maiden's Wish casino, that Jaktur Krishtan will inherit when his father passes away.    Del remained in the common room overnight, brewing potions before he had to take his nightly meditation. Yet again, he had another nightmarish vision, and awoke feeling very un-refreshed. Khaishan noticed how unwell he looked, and was rather concerned at how strange this was for Del.   Over breakfast, the party decided that Azazel and Torinn would go shopping (with Jerric deciding to accompany them), Caleb would go hunting, and Del and Khaishan would go train the city watch as promised.    Khaishan and Del helped Lofi train the troops all morning, recommending staves and spears instead of swords for now, which Lofi appreciated.    During the shopping excursion, Jerric managed to con a conman - Lordorim Kernak, the silver dragonborn who runs the shop, Arcane Trade. Recognising that Lordorim was attempting to overcharge him, Jerric managed to deceive him into believing a 40gp piece of quartz was worth 120gp.    Caleb went out to the foothills of Ironseat Ridge for his hunt, agreeing to hunt some rabbits for Jerric.    During lunch, Khaishan went to Tough Leathers, where his friend Rordak works with his husband Brad and their apprentice. Rordak warned Khaishan that there was some orc warlord causing trouble with the tribes. Rordak said he had already stirred up the tribes enough that there were orc refugees in the shanty town on the outskirts of Kymal, and that he was trying to change the way things were done. Rordak said he had learned his name was Quugug, having named his tribe "The Ravagers", and having four generals called "The Slaughter Lords" to back him up. Khaishan decided this was serious, and that he would leave at first light to look into this.    Del went to the temple at lunch, after Lofi recommended he see a healer. The priest at the temple of the Wildmother immediately noticed his "vibe is way off" and cast a spell of "Protection from Evil and Good" upon him, making Del feel temporarily better. He recommended that Del get a priest to cast this spell again before his nightly meditation, and it may confirm a theory for him. Del then went and made out with chilled out in a bush.   That afternoon, as Krishtan had promised, a street fair was taking place. Krishtan pompously announced the famous band, Dr. Dranzel's Spectacular Travelling Troupe. Jerric, having enough of this windbag, decided he would use a spell to make it sound like Krishtan had just emitted a mighty and sour fart. Even Krishtan's advisor, Gertrude, looked a bit alarmed.    Nevertheless, the street fair resumed with a rousing performance from the band, and the offering of free food and drink was true - only for it to be a thimbleful of warm ale and a tiny pretzel each. Torinn happily ate the pretzels, but everyone tipped out the ale and decided to skip the party.    Caleb returned, bringing with him 5 rabbits, that Jerric then proceeded to go into the kitchen to butcher, saying he needed "lucky rabbit's feet". He took their bladders, one rabbit foot, cleaned up and left the rabbit meat for Catelina.    He returned with a squishy packet and declared he was going to his room.    Azazel, Torinn, and Caleb - used to general weirdness from Azazel but not from Jerric - went to see what he was doing, only to find he has bunny parts everywhere and an alchemist kit on the go.    Azazel: "Did you join a cult?" Jerric: "That's rich, coming from you. What, are you worried about your recruitment numbers?"   The trio informed him that his behaviour would be weird even for Azazel, but eventually returned downstairs in time for Khaishan and Del to get back.    The trio expressed their concerns about Jerric, making Khaishan a little concerned.    He sat the group down to have a talk.   Azazel: "Did you join the cult, too?" Khaishan: "No. You wish."    He then explained there’s some trouble brewing among the orcs and that he’s leaving for a little while to investigate. The group offered to help, but Khaishan explained he has the best chance of getting info due to the risk to people with non-orcish blood. He did, however, ask the group could they support the brothel with his support for their candidate.   Del asked could Torinn (or Azazel, who has the spell, too!) cast “Protection from Evil & Good” on him before he goes to rest. Azazel agreed to cast it, as the fact Del is dreaming is very weird.   Torinn, with his expertise in medicine, realised it could possibly be caused by a night hag.   Jerric then pulled Torinn upstairs and told him about the journal he found in Blammy’s tower, and explained about the cult of the archfey and how they kidnapped children, and his concern about Azazel talking about kidnapping children in the past.   Jerric admitted he’s super worried, especially with the strange/stupid things Azazel does, but kidnapping kids is way worse than that.   Torinn confessed that Azazel didn’t read the contract before he signed it, but said he won’t let him kidnap kids.   Jerric said he won’t let him away with it, and won’t tolerate innocent/defenceless being harmed, and he’ll be watching Azazel.   Torinn respected that, but insisted he knows Azazel is chaotic, but not evil.   Jerric explained that people can be corrupted and that Azazel gets powers from the Feywild, which can change people. The Feywild doesn’t have the same laws, they can be corrupting/persuasive.   Torinn said that when he met him, he had a strong feeling that Azazel needs him for something, and he trusts his queen to show him what his path is, and maybe this is the thing he needs to do – to prevent Azazel from doing evil or getting corrupted. Maybe that’s what Azazel needs him for.   Jerric admitted he doesn’t have much of a moral code. He’s a thief, after all, but he’s got a moral core. He asked Torinn what he’s prepared to do if Azazel wants to hurt an innocent, and left the conversation there.    The night commenced with everyone returning to bed, the spell having been cast on Del, and Azazel chucking meat at his "pet" imp.    Join us for our next session on August 10th! 

Character(s) interacted with

  • Jaktur Krishtan
  • Catelina Kainz
  • Gagall
  • Gertrude
  • Lordorim Kernak
  • Rardan "the Tough"
  • Pitika

Tal'Dorei Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
28 Jul 2021
Primary Location

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