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Session XX: The Rebuilding of Drezen Report

General Summary

Book 3 - Demon's Heresy

  The paladins start cleaning out the remnants down below, and they start cleaning up Drezen, while the demons are cleaned up and dispatched by the army. Anevia Tirabade sends a message out to the rest of the army that Drezen has been recovered, and, meanwhile, the army and the party begin cleaning up, repairing, and setting Drezen up again.   Over the next three days, nothing major happens.  
  Anevia Tirabade becomes the spymaster. Aravashnial becomes the main contact for the Riftwardens in Drezen. Aron Kir becomes the warden and chief guard of Drezen. Horgus Gwerm becomes a treasurer for the town, and sets up logistics. Irabeth Tirabade works as the organizer, calling her commander. Sosiel Vaenic becomes chief priest, which he makes a multi-denominational church of Shelyn in the town.  
  starts researching demons and trying to train the paladins to better fight the demons, and help with recruiting for the Riftwardens, and crafting for the party. helps out with the chapel and proselytizing, recruiting for the temple, and caring for the wounded and sick. starts retraining himself, and telling the tales of their adventuring. helps to rebuild buildings. does ???.  

(4 Days Later) 4712, Rova 26

Coming back via carrier pigeon, Queen Galfrey returns a message:
  A second message is also delivered along with the first, which is given directly to Irabeth Tirabade. She reads it and sighs, saying "This is going to be interesting." reads it, and it reads that Irabeth Tirabade is now the commander of Drezen, and she is to organize the town. She lets the party know that it would be best to wait until the reinforcements come from Kenabres. Irabeth Tirabade lets the party know that Anevia Tirabade is currently scouting, so she will have more information after she returns in a few days. The party decides to wait until Drezen is reinforced, and Anevia Tirabade returns.  

(2 Days Later) 4712, Rova 28

Over the next two days, the temple of Shelyn is completed. Anevia Tirabade comes back and reports to the party and Irabeth Tirabade. She explains of a few places of concern:  
  • There are raiders are disrupting the trade routes between Drezen and Kenabres that are being attacked by barbarians.
  • There are reports with an issue with a temple to the southwest, but there is not much information. There is a cleric of Erastil that is involved, but not much is known about the cleric.
  More scouts and spies are still en route, and reinforcements have not arrived yet, but they are on the way still.  

(6 Days Later) 4712, Lamashan 4

Anevia Tirabade provides an update to the situation in the Worldwound:
  • The caravan is still en route to Drezen.
  • No new updates on the caravan attacks on the trade route.
  • The cleric was located to the southwest, it was just to the north of a lava flow. The cleric's name is Jesker Helton.
  • There is a settlement nearby the cleric, but not much is known about the settlement, which sits in the Worldwound, oddly enough.

(11 Days Later) 4712, Lamashan 15

Irabeth Tirabade updates the party on the updates of the Worldwound:
  • There are increasing reports of attacks on the caravans heading to Drezen from Kenabres. They tend to kill everyone, so no one knows who is causing a problem.
  • To the west, there is a report of a temple of Baphomet, which is about a two days journey.
  • There is a ruin to the NNW of Eaglerock, which there are rumors of demons that have made their home there.
  • The cleric of Erastil, Jesker Helton, has gone completely silent, and not much is known on why that is. Message has not succeeded.
  • The news of the Sword of Valor being recovered has spread far and wide, and more people are joining the cause.
  • The reinforcements have arrived, and there are a lot of people arriving to fix up the town and citadel. Lots of places are being rebuilt.
  The party decides to cast scrying on the cleric to figure out what is going on. It fails, and they decide to try again another day.   Moving onto the forge, the party begins researching the Corruption Forge. It requires a lengthy ritual.  

(1 Day Later) 4712, Lamashan 16

In the morning, the party begins attempting to redeem the Corruption Forge. is the primary caster, with , , , and assisting. They spend the entire day, and they turn the forge into a Purity Forge. It glows brightly with a heavenly glow. It makes the flame in the forge glow blue. It can rework evil items into a good items.  
  has a restless night. She reports that she had a vision of a ritual where she was very young. She has this feel of this pull to the southwest. The ritual involves a lot of blood, and it was very fragments. She talks to the party on the thoughts of it. Unfortunately, doesn't seem to have any insight, and suggests talking to . She heads off to , which he is helping in the temple. She explains about the ritual, the dancing, and he asks a few questions, which doesn't seem to know how to respond. thinks it might have something to do with the missing cleric of Erastil.   Aravashnial approaches to discuss something with him. He discusses something with . He has been researching something about the parents. It seems they were secret agents for the Riftwardens. They were on a secret mission when they were assassinated. It seems the assassin's name was Xanthir Vang. They are a type of leader in the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth. Xanthir himself is a leader of the Blackfire Adepts. They seek to destroy the very fabric of reality and rip open the Abyss. Aravashnial does not have any information further, but he will continue to research.  
The party decides to recast scrying on the cleric, and they get a vision of a ledge with an altar. He seems to be crying into the altar. He's vomiting, and it drips down his chest. Behind them, there is a destroyed temple. attempts to send a message to the cleric, but it does not succeed. then lets the spell go, and notifies the party on exactly what's going on. asks if the area he found is the area that she is asking, but she does not know. suggests that Anevia's scouts could be sent out to find a path.   The party then discusses what they would like to do, they have four different options: Go defeat the temple of Baphomet northwest of Drezen, find where was being pulled to, defeat the Barbarians, or go check out the Cleric and find out what is going on. They decide to take on the logical choice, which is take on the temple of Baphomet, then move down to check out the cleric of Erastil. They request to Irabeth Tirabade that Anevia Tirabade and Jestak lead a group of paladins down. Irabeth Tirabade says she can't send out anyone until more of the defenses are built up, and Anevia Tirabade is already out in the field. The party lets Irabeth Tirabade know that they are going to the north west.  
The party hops on the phantom steed, and heads off to the temple of Baphomet to the north west. As they approach, they see a one story mausoleum that is built into the side of the chasm. They head up a hundred feet away and dismount. They head up to it, starting their prepatory combat spells. As they approach, a ghost comes out of the wall, and asks the party declare themselves. recognizes him as Alrys Arnaste, he tells the party that they should destroy the evil below to lay them to rest. Everyone prepares to get situated, and they start to head down into the mausoleum.  
They head two levels down and it ends in double doors. They check for traps, and then they push on the heavy stone doors, which they open slowly. They find a lot of doors, and a lot of caked blood on the wall. The runes say "Filthy Usurper." As Bosco moves in, an enemy notices them, and combat begins. The wall bursts out towards and it damages him. Behind it, a Bodak emerges, and a Bodak appears out of the hallway in front of . misses the emerging Bodak, while smites one of the Bodaks, and moves up, and smacks it one, damaging it a bit. casts good hope. The Bodak then uses its gaze to give some negative levels, while he shuts his eyes and casts glitterdust on the Bodak. then closes his eyes and uses channel energy to damage the Bodaks, which does a little bit of damage.   shoots the emerging Bodak, and it dies. charges the other Bodak, and does a decent amount of damage. throws his starknife, and does some damage, while the Bodak moves up and misses , and uses his channel to damage the Bodak. Then, moves over and sends arrows over the head of the Bodak. then slams his swords into the Bodak, severely damaging it, while damages the Bodak, and gets damaged against the Bodak. Finally, opens his eyes and cuts off the head of the last Bodak.  
The party collects itself, and discusses their next options. They find two stone double doors, and they inspect it before opening them. Its a very sturdy and old stone door. They see stairs down to another set of double doors. They check this door, and find its still a door. They open the door, and it leads to a creature which reaches out and touches , dealing some vampire damage.   starts off with a smite, and attacks the creature, dealing some significant damage, but missing the offhand. They find out it is a Nabasu. They also realize the entire area is under silence. uses an arcane bolt, and backs up. runs past the Nabasu and uses alignment channel with his sword, but misses. The Nabasu strikes , and cleaves to dealing some damage, moving a little back. uses fleet charge to move to the south part of the wall, and damages the Nabasu, and then lets go of a hail of arrows, damaging the Nabasu. releases his starknife, and destroys the demon.   After they gather themselves, they figure out what else needs to be done to free Alrys Arnaste, and they need to use hallow or consecrate, and perform funeral rites on the ghost's body. As they do so, they see the ghost relieved, and his face goes from anger to gratitude, and his body shoots towards the center of town, and glows with orange light in the center of town. They go inspect what it was, and its a random spot next to a church. They decide to dig it up, and find a metal chest, 2 and a half feet wide, 12 inches tall. They open it up, finding the haft of a bastard sword in an extradimensional space. They turn the box upside down and shake it, and a bunch of stuff falls out.   The party then makes its decision to go south, taking the chariot path.

Session Date
Nov 24, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
  History Entries
Wrath of the Righteous

Reid Moore

17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)


17-Level Ranger

Jorryn K'Thral

17-Level Cleric

Yuhia Zhir

17-Level Paladin

Bosco Dieh

15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
24 Nov 2019
Primary Location

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