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Divine Contention

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerun - Sword Coast
21/04/2022 | Full
Supporting Cast
  • Adabra Gwynn
    "The local midwife an acolyte of Chauntea named Adabra Gwynn lives by herself in a stone windmill on the side of a hill a few miles south of Phandalin." Adabra uses the millstone on the ground floor to grind herbs and other ingredients for poultices and potions. Her quarters are on the second floor. The third floor is a loft where guests can stay Adabra sells potions of healing for 50 gp. Give a Potion of Healing card to any player whose character acquires one of these potions. Adabra was possibly attacked by a displaced Manticore.... the Rangers failed to save her. Evidence of a dragon attack surrounded her final resting place. The party buried here and recovered a health potion from the site.
  • Don Jon Raskin
    Don-Jon Raskin, a fearless troubleshooter who has experienced more than his fair share of adventures. Purchased the deeds to the nearby Gold Mine at Mountain Toe. The rangers were unavailable so he attempted to take the mine by himself... and his entire party was slain by the dragon before he could get back from there... fearlessly he tried to push on... and found the mine occupied by humanoid creatures which identified as some sort of "rats". He went as far as trying to kill one... and discovered it was immune to mortal wounds. He was found drinking his sorrows in the Stonehill inn. Eryn gave him 5 silver, and Aedryn ensured he was getting fed.
  • Halia Thornton
    An ambitious and calculating human. In her attempts to establish the Miner's Exchange as the closest thing Phandalin to a governing organization, she acts as more than a simple merchant. She has a big hand in the economics of the town as most of the trade within the town involves mining. Always with her ear to the ground, she has been called a gossip (and worse) by locals but none would be so bold as to cross her.
  • Harbin Wester
    The duly appointed townmaster of Phandalin. He updates the job board which is located outside the townmaster's hall at the town square. He has made an arrangement that lead to the formation of the new constabulary; Which is locally known as the "Colonial Rangers". These rangers are executing tasks which is brining some peace and order amongst the chaos. However he is a flagrant coward... and is not ashamed to show it.
  • Linene Graywind
    She knows that bandits have raided Lionshield caravans, but she doesn't know who is responsible. In a back room, Linene keeps a supply of armor and weapons, all of which are for sale to interested buyers. Linene has a few scruples, however, and won't sell weapons to anyone she thinks might be a threat to the town. Among those with whom she refuses to do business are the Redbrands. She warns the characters that the ruffians are trouble and advises them to avoid. Linene appears to be overtly racist to dwaves and has found the elf Ti'linni beautiful and bartered a date with her in the past. She offers a discount to the colonial rangers for thier services to the community.

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 23rd June 2021 19:15

The world of the Forgotten Realms is one of high fantasy, populated by elves, dwarves, halflings, humans, and other folk. In the Realms, knights dare the crypts of the fallen dwarf kings of Delzoun, seeking glory and treasure. Rogues prowl the dark alleyways of teeming cities such as Neverwinter and Baldur's Gate. Clerics in the service of gods wield mace and spell, questing against the terrifying powers that threaten the land. Wizards plunder the ruins of the fallen Netherese empire, delving into secrets too dark for the light of day. Bards sing of kings, queens, heroes, and tyrants who died long ago. On the roads and rivers of the Realms travel minstrels and peddlers, merchants and guards, soldiers and sailors. Steel-hearted adventurers from backcountry farmsteads and sleepy villages follow tales of strange, glorious, faraway places. Good maps and clear trails can take even an inexperienced youth with dreams of glory far across the world, but these paths are never safe. Fell magic and deadly monsters are the perils one faces when traveling in the Realms. Even farms and freeholds within a day's walk of a city can fall prey to monsters, and no place is safe from the sudden wrath of a dragon.   Driven from lands farther north by more powerful dragons, a young white dragon named Cryovain has descended upon the Sword Mountains, claiming the snow-capped range as its domain. Typical of its kind, Cryovain is dim-witted and cruel. The dragon patrols the skies around Icespire Peak, surveying its territory while hunting for food and easy treasure. With each passing day, the dragon's domain grows as it ranges farther across the land, preying on anything it can catch with its claws or freeze to death with its icy breath. Sightings of the dragon are becoming more common, The orcs aren't the only creatures thrown into upheaval by Cryovain's sudden arrival. A manticore driven from its mountaintop nest by the roaming white dragon has migrated to the foothills and begun terrorizing folk living on the outskirts of the mining town of Phandalin. Other monsters in the region have been similarly displaced.   The frontier town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving human town whose people were firmly allied with neighboring dwarves and gnomes. Then an orc horde swept through the area and laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries. In the last three or four years, settlers from the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep have begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin. The new settlement is home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, and prospectors drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the foothills of the Sword Mountains. The arrival of a white dragon threatens to destroy all that they've worked to rebuild

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The Protagonists

Aedryn Riftwalker

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf (Charlatan)
Warlock 6
51 / 51 HP

Ti'lha Ni'hani Chaosbeard

Eryn Amastacia

Lawful Good Half-Elf (Outlander)
Sorcerer 3
24 / 24 HP

Lady Lottie Corlinnar