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The Call of Madness

A Call of Cthulhu game In the world of Earth Anomalous Prime Earth
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1929, With the Roaring Twenties receding into memory the All-American City of Treadstone, America's darling shining city on the hilltop now faces an insidious threat that could very well consume the city in its sins. Crime is on the rise, economic uncertainty rampant, Corporate Greed a burgeoning evil rising, the Ailments of Enforcing Prohibition against the Organized crime of the Cities Underbelly beginning to take its toll on the city. The Institutions of Treadstone that create its grandeur are beginning to rot away into a pustule gnarled form of themselves with no indication of a reversal without bloodshed. Now a group of Citizens as scarred as the city itself take Justice into their own hands, This is their Story...

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