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Earth Anomalous Prime Earth

A world where heroes are not restricted to comics or movies but exist in the real world, Great heroes stand to protect the innocent and uphold truth and justice where ever they venture too. Hundreds of beings are granted amazing abilities and talents that allow them extraordinary abilities but a chosen few pushes themselves to become the best to grow into something stronger to become a legendary hero one that inspires hope at their very presence while dissuading evil where ever it appears.   Heroes drive away evil plots and schemes, however, something foul and hideous has reared its head and set its sights on the world that our heroes inhabit, will they be able to defeat this ever-present darkness, an insurmountable foe with powers that delve into the deepest darkest parts of the human psyche and beyond.   Will our heroes be able to stand against the forces of Darkness or shall their light of hope to the world be extinguished by their greatest adversary...?

Earth Anomalous Prime Earth has 8 Followers


The Call of Madness

Call of Cthulhu

Treadstone the Shining City on the Hill, with all that light who knows what's lurking in the shadows?

Journey Into the Abyss!

Homebrew / In Development

The Children of Heroes venture into the Mysterious Abyss to unlock its Secrets and find a way back home...

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Mutants & Masterminds

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Heroes Hope

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Hero Time: S7- Throne of the Apostle

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Rise of the Vanguard against an Evil that knows them all to well.

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