The Blood of Ganon

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Greater Hyrule
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Supporting Cast
  • Dario
    Member of the Bombers Secret Society of Justice, Dario is a warrior for the forces of good. He is trained in the Sheikah art of stealth, so he is a valuable agent for the Bombers. After being rescued from Yiga clan assassins, Dario entrusted Zarad with an Ancient Core.
  • Lady Enid
    Enid is an uptight member of the Concordance of Kingdoms. She and Kynthia have history, and Enid does not seem fond of her in the least. She took down the findings of the party at the abandoned farmhouse where they successfully stopped a crazed man from summoning something evil into the world.
  • Erlan
    Erlan is the comrade of Dario. Erlan was very concerned about Dario's well being and whereabouts and requested help from the party while in Old Kasuto. The sheikah was wounded when Gleeok attacked the town with forces of the Eyes of Ganon.
  • Commissioner Gourdon
    The commissioner's business venture, Gourdon's pumpkin patch began as nothing more than a passion project that eventually grew into a massive business. Kabocha sprung up around it as many workers made a home in the comfortable plains just south of the fields they tended. Nearly the entire populace of Kabocha town, and a large number of temporary workers, are employed by Commissioner Gourdon, the humble Hylian botanist that owns and operates the company. A stern but fair man, Gourdon has a rather pragmatic view on the balance of nature and civilization and used his passion for pumpkins to amass a fortune that he now uses to improve his business, Kabocha, the forest, and other conservation efforts across the land.
  • Demonsoul Hildreth
    Hildreth holds the rank of Demonsoul within The Eyes. This mysterious young woman oversees the daily operations of the Eyes, answering directly to Kuja and delegating tasks to Viridion and others beneath her.
  • Kuja
    Kuja the Untarnished was first encountered at the Raiders' Camp on the Great Plateau. Upon discovering that Dario was missing, she rallied the majority of the camp and departed with astonishing speed.
  • Onori
  • Castellan Rosso
    Master of the Keep, Keeper of the Keys, Castellan Rosso has been watching over the keep in Old Kasuto ever since his father grew too old to carry out his duties. A mountain of a man, Rosso is actually very gentle and considerate. He has a fondness for carpentry, and built every piece of furniture in the keep with his own two hands.
  • Governor Tarba Dotour
    Mayor Tarba Dotour is soft spoken, diminuitive, and a bit foppish. But what he lacks in stature, he makes up in the ferocity with which he will protect the people of Old Kasuto. He lost an eye and injured his arm fighting his way through a horde of miniblins and fanatics while escorting fleeing villagers safely. He is not afraid of putting his own life on the line for the safety of his people.
  • The Imp
    The Imp appeared in Kabocha Town on the night of the lantern festival. He gave the attendees cursed masks which transformed them into the monsters they masqueraded as. The party recovered the items he demanded (a chocolate ocarina, a marzipan deku scrub, a wax bottle, and a pouch of rock candy.) and defeated the giant animated pumpkin. The Imp pulled an ominous looking lantern from the remains of the pumpkin, mentioned he was hoping to see someone else that night, and quickly vanished.
  • Viridion
    Viridion was Hildreth's enforcer. He wielded a forked lizal boomerang, a weapon unique to the reptilians of Hyrule. Deadlier than that perhaps, or even his fire breath, was his ambition. After being shown kindness by Rotana, despite being in the midst of a contest of martial prowess with lives on the line, he let the party go. Was it his sense of honor, or something else? Viridion was present at the dodongo hatchery, where he attempted to stop the party along with Demonsoul Hildreth. He was killed when Rotana's sword was repelled by Hildreth, running him through. In his final moments he thanked Rotana for giving him a hero's death.
  • Zaku
    Zaku was born into the Yiga clan, and by extension, the Eyes. He was born too frail to be a warrior, and never had the discipline for magic. But what he did have was quick hands and an abundance of charisma, which made him an exceptional thief and recruiter. His devil-may-care attitude was irresistible to disenfranchised young people who didn't fit in.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

