2023-01-05 - Moratile stopped Report

General Summary

The crew locates a representative of the messaging guild and pays for some Sendings, communications back and forth with Chanter Moratile trying to convince her not to go through with her end of the Devils Contract. Her Replies in the conversation are pretty clear that she still fears that even with the teams efforts to rescue her brood, they are not safe as long as the infernal can access her kids.

The team fears they will have to fight her to stop her. Erebus decides to try to scry her and pierces her magical defenses. The vision he gets is of a middle aged human woman working a soup kitchen and a sleeping cat. Confused he starts to cast other divinations, and when he has Arcane sight on he can see anyone who comes to get soup as well as the lady working have abjurations. The cat has none. He starts to suspect that the cat is Chanter, and that she's stalking her prey.

After discussing what was said in the sending's, the team feels that her worry is the contract, that as long as it exists the infernal forces can just go back to The Fugue Plane and recollect her kids. They decided to Legend Lore's the Contract to ascertain if it's the original and if there have been any copies made. It is the original. There are no copies. Armed with this information they pay for one more sending offering to meet her and talk it through. She agrees to meet them out side the Hospice she had been staking out.

When the team get's to the Hospice, Erebus goes into disguise and infiltrates the premises, looking for the cat. Not wanting to draw attention he poses as the needy and takes a bowl of food from the soup kitchen, but fearing infernal influence in another church he uses slight of hand to make it look like he's eating. He stakes out the joint a little more and the local clergy are nothing but helpful. On his way out he spots the Chanter in her male elf librarian form, armed and waiting for them.

The team approach her cautiously, and begin to negotiate her turning herself in to the authorities. She believes that they have the contract, and that it is original and not copied. Bowyn then goes into song about everything that the team had dealt with since the Chanter left them, drawing a small crowd and reducing Moratile to tears over what she had done. She agrees to let them escort her to the nearest guard house in exchange for the contract.

The guards, when finding out what she is agreed to the weird conditions of her surrender; that the magistrate could read the contract but she would be allowed to destroy it when he finished. She then admitted to her crimes, and Bowyn performed the new and recently improved version of his ballad as witness testimony. She did agree to hand over her possessions to the City Guard, but with only a ting of her Presence made the implicit threat that she would expect their full return when her sentence was complete. Cowed the Guard agreed that her possessions would be cataloged and kept safe.

With a devil guided dragon off the streets the team turns their attention to Myth Drannor

The Distaff of Mystra Campaign
Report Date
06 Jan 2023

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