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Session 5: The Library Report

General Summary

After convening at Reever's house, the party decided the go to the Acolytes guild library to learn what they could of Tolas and the Stranger's plot to kill the moon god Lune.  before going to the Acolytes, The party went shopping and met an enigmatic shopkeeper named Lush who gifted the party an alchemy set.  They discovered several things in their research.
First, they learned of a city called Dispema, a place of myth and legend that was lost to the sands of the hinterlands. 
Second, they learned the myth of Grima the first Kenku. Grima was in love with the moon god Lune but was smited from the sky and had his speech taken when she learned of his affair with the lesser moon Lin.  Third, they learned that the demon god Tolous was both a being and a place. Tolous is represented by inhabitants of the hinterlands as a great sphinx in their physical form. He is also represented as an endless pit of death that even gods could not escape.    As the party left the archives. They were stalked by someone who eluded their perception.    The party then made their way to the house of Edagast the Wise, and told him they believe the Strangers are the ones responsible for the murder of his son. Edagast paid them for the quest and gave them the address of a witch called Graata.   In Game Date: 18th of Lunassau

Missions/Quests Completed



Murder of the Mage

Character(s) interacted with

Edagast the Wise

Champions of Khah'kha
Report Date
30 Sep 2022
Primary Location

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