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Sarnath Corladoc
The Scourge

Level 9 Aasimar Ch N Blood Hunter
/ 70 HP

A Ghost Slayer from Trios searching for his family


Campaign & Party

Fri 13th Aug 2021 05:13

Just My Luck!

by Sarnath Corladoc

I was always lucky as I was born into the rich and powerful Worreen and Phosria Corladoc family. Worreen a Paladin and Phosria a Blood Hunter, bound by the Triguard they gained fame and fortune in their time spent adventuring. My parents were in high places allowing them to stay with my siblings and I most of the time. I would play with them for hours on end, it was a resplendent childhood.
When my siblings Eigwail who was about 3 years younger than me and Aldra was around 4 years younger than Eigwail were born I felt I was getting less attention which caused me to run off a couple of times. But when we finally learned to get along we would spend most of our time playing in the forest surrounding the house.
My family would often travel to Onalgi visiting my parents' friends who lived there. Once while there I was about the age of 6 I went off by myself into a forest and came into contact with a foglet which gave me a deep scar across my left shoulder, my father was able to quickly execute the beast.
After the experience with the foglet I became invested in the monstrosities of our world. I would spend time in the library researching the fey and fiends. My parents began telling me stories of the dead they had fought in Zilnor. When I had become enamored with the magic and studies of my parents they decided that I was old enough to enter our cellar stronghold.
When I was about 11 they started to have meetings with other members of the Triguard in our home. They talked of leaving the Crusade a reason that has always escaped me. One of the members of this gathering was a close family friend Ispwich Belaros, who left Trios prior to the ending of these meetings. I am under the impression that they found something out about the crusades that was not meant to be found. When they were called back to Zilnor about 2 years later my siblings and I were told that their bodies could not be recovered. This helped me realize that aberrations and undead weren't the only monsters.
I decided then that I had to learn to best protect what was left of my family. I trusted the butler Edwin Poole to hire guards and to keep my kin safe in our keep. So I traveled to the Olturgar Keep to become a blood hunter. I spent the next 5 or so years training at the Keep honing my senses. I ended up being made a fool of because they would no longer be there when I returned.
While I was at the keep I met Brakvarn Titanhorn and his daughter Aizlauda. Brakvarn began to personally train me as he took a liking to me. I quickly began studying the arcane, occult, and aberrations when I came to the keep. Aizlauda and I became my study and sparring partner after some time at the keep. We turned into better and better friends until we were more than that.
Brakvarn pushed me harder than I had ever been pushed and eventually it broke me. He had considered my almost supernatural luck to be giving me an advantage over other hunters. In a moment of weakness I let out a blazing fire out of myself as it began to char others around me Brakvarn was able to subdue me before anyone was seriously injured. I was most sorry for harming Aizlauda, I scarred her arms with horrible burns. To prevent myself from hurting anyone else some other hunters crafted a crude metal mask to help contain the radiant light burning inside me.
I continued to train at the keep with my new metal and leather mask, long after the incident I continued to hone my skills. I was able to pass the test that was the Hunter's Bane, but at what cost as it changed my physiology and psychology. It left behind twisted memories of what once was. When I left the keep I also left my confining false face behind. Not only did I leave to find my family but also to keep Aizlauda out of my harmful light.
During the time I came home I found that not a soul was there. It had seemed as if there hadn't been people living there for decades. The book shelves were emptied and the tables overturned. The only thing that had been left untouched was the secret stronghold. First I had lost my parents, then my brother and sister. I checked everywhere from the house to the home of the Crusaders, I checked for any letters sent for me but in the end they could not be found.
I first went to Onalgi hoping they were visiting our friends, but no luck. Then I traveled north through Elashish, Renathiss, the Ruins of Quosilis, and finally ended in Tir'ash. While I was making my way through the countries I would take contracts hunting monsters and men. I soon became very proficient in hunting for both life and sport. I would hunt them down through the night without mercy. Many of these contracts included horrible men and tricky fey.
I had several encounters with lemure. I met a strange man named Herbert Danvers. He offered to let me on his boat if I would only teach him about the fiends of the world. So to gain access to sea travel at a reduced price I would teach Mr. Danvers of imps and devils.

The major events and journals in Sarnath's history, from the beginning to today.

Just My Luck!

I was always lucky as I was born into the rich and powerful Worreen and Phosria Corladoc family. Worreen a Paladin and Phosria a Blood Hunter, bound by the Triguard they gained fame and fortune in their time spent adventuring. My parents were in high plac...

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Now what?

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02:28 am - 17.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sarnath.

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Other Characters by TheGraySon