Thah Rockslide | World Anvil

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Thah Rockslide

Survivor of the deserts of dead empires, the vast lakes of the East, and the forests of banditry around the Sword Coast. Thah is only loyal to one thing, survival against all odds. No challenge is big enough.

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The major events and journals in Thah's history, from the beginning to today.

Chapter 9: With Friends Like These

09:03 pm - 18.09.2021

Chapter 9: With Friends Like These

09:03 pm - 18.09.2021

Chapter 9: The Red Sunset

06:57 am - 05.09.2021

Chapter 9: The Red Sunset

06:57 am - 05.09.2021

Chapter 7: Friend or Foe

01:15 pm - 15.08.2021

Chapter 7: Friend or Foe

01:15 pm - 15.08.2021

Chapter 6: Unexplained Goblin Sightings

07:02 am - 01.08.2021

Chapter 6: Unexplained Goblin Sightings

07:02 am - 01.08.2021

Chapter 5: The Beauty and the Beasts

05:55 pm - 24.07.2021

Chapter 5: The Beauty and the Beasts

05:55 pm - 24.07.2021

Chapter 4: Chasing Ghosts

05:27 am - 18.07.2021

Chapter 4: Chasing Ghosts

05:27 am - 18.07.2021

Chapter 3: Butcherers of Phandalin

10:41 am - 04.07.2021

Chapter 3: Butcherers of Phandalin

10:41 am - 04.07.2021

Chapter 2: Bandits, Barbarians & Bloody Streets

08:05 pm - 19.06.2021

Chapter 2: Bandits, Barbarians & Bloody Streets

08:05 pm - 19.06.2021

Chapter 2: Bandits, Barbarians & Bloody Streets

08:05 pm - 19.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Thah.

Played by

Other Characters by necrobrainn