Marcella The Magnificent | World Anvil

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Marcella The Magnificent

Chaotic Neutral Changeling (Urchin)
Bard 1
15 / 15 HP

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Tue 17th Jan 2023 02:43

Acq Inc XP Activity

by Marcella The Magnificent

How might you look at adventuring as a “business opportunity”?
Marcella is a Bard, Salesmanship is in her blood. She is always looking to make a quick buck. She has a very impulsive personality and would have easily been persuaded to join in on a business scheme she thought would make her rich. She is the best of the best when it come to selling… well pretty much anything. Because she is a shape shifter she easily shifts into the creature or person that would best convince her audience to buy the product. She loves to entertain and would be perfect at marketing any product.

How might your particular background fit into a business type D&D campaign?
Similar to the above information she loves to entertain, and she loves to make money. She spent her who life fooling others to get what ever she wants. She is determined to get rich so she can heir an investigator to locate the individual that murdered her family. She knows the name of the hate group but the person responsible for killing her family has retired and her self-investigation has ran cold. She is desperate to take vengeance on the person and group responsible. Through the business opportunity through Acq Inc she could raise the money and become powerful and influential.

How might your class/sub-class play a positive role in the “company”?
Sub-class College of Eloquence. She will be the perfect Bard for the job. This will increase her abilities to pretty much influence anyone she comes across. She will have the ability to use silver tongue this will make it extremely reliable to use her skills of deception, performance, persuasion and intimidation. She is going to use her art of pretty much convincing anyone and everyone to buy what she is selling.

Will you be a spoke person, bodyguard, enforcer, leader, or other role in the company?
She is a mastermind of the art of talking smoothly. Who could resist this beautiful bard that can pretty much shift into anyone. No one that is the answer. She will easily be the spokes person of the company and it wouldn’t be a stretch to take that leadership position to.. I mean come on she was made for this title.
How might your personal goals align and/or help the edification of the “company”?
Marcella is completely determined to become “ The Magnificent” that she claims to be. She has the ability to move a crowd and she wants to be a successful entertainer.. like any Bard. She also needs to make money and being part of the company is an easy way to siphon money.. I mean make money through the company. She need to hire a personal detective to help her find her families killer.

How do you feel about material possessions and coins? How might this affect your interactions with the “company” and its interests?
She wants and needs all the money.. could this be counter to the company maybe but no one has to know about that. She in impulsive and quite the smooth talker. She will ensure she get her fair cut of the company one way or the other. But she is the most valuable person there since she will be bringing in all that money. Or so she thinks.

The major events and journals in Marcella's history, from the beginning to today.

Acq Inc XP Activity

How might you look at adventuring as a “business opportunity”? Marcella is a Bard, Salesmanship is in her blood. She is always looking to make a quick buck. She has a very impulsive personality and would have easily been persuaded to join in on a bus...

02:43 am - 17.01.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Marcella.

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Other Characters by Amberdawn412