The major events and journals in Belel's history, from the beginning to today.
Session II: Ghoka's Hideout?
12:26 am - 08.11.2021Session II: Ghoka's Hideout?
08:30 pm - 07.11.2021What is this? A Journal you can all read? Ugh. If I have to post anything, it's that when I went out into the desert, we came across those bastard bandits. You all know me, I'm a really excellent tricky bitch that likes to cut a-holes down when they know what's coming to them. Aka: Belel is the best. Ok, bye, I guess.
09:03 pm - 26.10.2021Session 1: Suddenly, Adventure!
11:15 pm - 17.10.2021Session 1: Suddenly, Adventure!
07:31 pm - 17.10.2021