The major events and journals in Seramial's history, from the beginning to today.
doth anyone know how late the tavern keeps its doors open? I have a mighty craving for a roast pork
05:48 am - 23.01.2022how much trouble wouldst one be in if one hath insulted one's superior upon first making their acquaintance? inquiring merely to assuage a friend's wandering mind
09:09 am - 02.01.2022doth anyone knoweth how to delete commentary on another's message
09:06 am - 02.01.2022wait, doth our superiors review this system? a guildmate informed me of this and worry hath entered my mind
09:01 am - 02.01.2022when a painter knoweth not how to paint a Tabaxi bard
08:43 am - 02.01.2022the constant fear which weareth upon mine nerves
08:34 am - 02.01.2022'tis a man of magic's desire for power; 'tis a simpler wish to dote and ponder upon an orb
08:30 am - 02.01.2022The list of amazing people following the adventures of Seramial.