The Charitable Ceresus Harba | World Anvil

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The Charitable Ceresus Harba
Mr. Highballs himself

Sexy tall angel man and virginity is cool, remain pure.

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The major events and journals in Ceresus's history, from the beginning to today.

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.

05:40 am - 18.06.2020

I am too scary for my own good...

02:56 am - 18.06.2020

Damn, what a day. Thalia though (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

06:11 am - 11.06.2020

Why do I feel.. Sad? Why do I feel like I am missing a part of myself? Is it even me?... I've been having these weird thoughts lately..

02:42 am - 05.06.2020


05:27 am - 21.05.2020

Learned how useless I am

I guess Veles was right... #useless #failure

05:12 am - 21.05.2020

Damn, my style did me nothing... I always knew I was useless... #useless #fail #embarrassing

04:58 am - 21.05.2020

Damn, like legit that dick #DarrensClap #IWishIWasThatUseful #feelingdown

03:57 am - 21.05.2020

Thinking of worth #sad

02:52 am - 21.05.2020
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