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Alcoholic halfling hunter, looking to brew his dead family's ale to bring the Barley Burrow shire back to life.   In order to do that, he's gotta sneak around and shoot some arrows to find their prized ale recipe back.

Campaign & Party

Tue 23rd Feb 2021 09:09

Tavern Night #93

by Omecron

I finally found a southern Old Bourne tavern that's selling my family's ale... Those damn bandits are reproducing our recipe. Bartender didn't know where it came from precisely, continue drinking in taverns around southern Old Bourne to get more information.

The major events and journals in Omecron's history, from the beginning to today.

Tavern Night #93

I finally found a southern Old Bourne tavern that's selling my family's ale... Those damn bandits are reproducing our recipe. Bartender didn't know where it came from precisely, continue drinking in taverns around southern Old Bourne to get more informat...

09:09 pm - 23.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Omecron.