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Keeper of the Pack Hyssop

Friendly rural druid dedicated to healing and rejuvenation.

The outskirts of Gorga
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The major events and journals in Hyssop's history, from the beginning to today.

I thought we'd managed to rout the forces of the roiling darkness up on Auril's mount, and then we get back to Gorga and it's on fire?! with an invading demonic army at the gate?!? I knew this land needed healing, but this is ridiculous.

06:54 am - 14.07.2020

Those cultists were using the mountain portals to directly connect the Abyss to the plane of Air! What in the Nine Hell's were they thinking!? And they nearly let... whoever she was! into our world! Half a minute later and who knows what havoc she would have wrought upon us!

09:09 pm - 29.06.2020

That fight against the necromancer left me halfway to Elysium! If I wish to protect my fellows as a shapeshifter, I must find a sturdier beast to emulate.

02:11 am - 20.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Hyssop.

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