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Ismark Kolyanovich
The Lesser

Ismark is a handsome young human male with pale skin and shoulder length dirty blonde hair with shaved sides. He generally wears his hair up in a loose bun and has a well trimmed full beard. He has dazzling blue eyes framed by small aged scars and a warm smile.

Ismark is the son of Barovia’s burgomaster, Kolyan Inrovich. He has lived most of his life in his father’s shadow, leading the villagers of Barovia to refer to him as “Ismark the Lesser”. His young life has been spent in training in the hopes of freeing his people from their ruler, the devil Strahd. In particular, Ismark is concerned for his adopted sister, Ireena Kolyana, who Strahd is stalking.

For the past few weeks the undead have attacked the burgomaster’s house on an almost nightly basis. Ismark isn’t certain what the purpose of these attacks is, except that it has something to do with Ireena and that the undead are under Strahd’s control.

The constant stress of these assaults led to Ismark’s father’s death some three days ago, and Ismark is now seeking the aid of anyone who would stand with him against Strahd.

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Blood of the Thorn Inn (Barovia Village, Barovia, ???)

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