Irolynn Beth Dovenfall | World Anvil

Irolynn Beth Dovenfall
Shit Woman, Iro

Level 6 Half-Elf (Wood Elf) Chaotic Neutral Mythically Bound
/ 57 HP

No touchy, Ethrix is world, shit don't bother me.

Played by
Cherra H

The major events and journals in Irolynn's history, from the beginning to today.

Another pic of Irolynn although her hair is redder in this one XD

05:16 pm - 24.09.2020

Full Irolynn Image

05:14 pm - 24.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Irolynn.

Played by
Cherra H

Other Characters by Ch3rryBlossume