Makenna Defthand | World Anvil

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Makenna Defthand

Level 5 Half-Dwarf: Azerblood Chaotic Good Artificer: Battle Smith
/ 43 HP

Traveling the world to become the best "Maker" known.

Played by
Mizuchi Washi
Thu 31st Oct 2019 11:21

Well, this is a great day...

by Makenna Defthand

To almost die! After what happened today, I, Makenna Defthand, figure I ought to write out my adventures in this journal, as they, at this point, seem rather chaotic and I should keep a record of such things. I write this now after nightfall, in a quickly, though not too shoddily, worked up encampment, in the middle of a jungle, on an island who knows where. But! That is not where this day began, so I shall continue from there.
I am, or rather was, a deckhand on a ship called the Neptune's Mistress, captained by a halfling named Alston 'Fearless' Nibley. The day was a normal day; the seas were calm, no storm was on the horizon. At about midday, however, there was a speck in the distance. It got closer. Close enough to tell that it was a ship, its flag black with a silver serpent.  At the sight, our blood ran cold. As cold as those who sail the ship owned by the pirate Slither Tongue, an infamous lizardfolk pirate. Needless to say, we were waylaid by the pirates, overwhelmed by the lizards. It was a cacophony of cannon fire and steel. Iggy, a human deckhand, kept Slither Tongue busy while the rest of us tried to hold back what seemed like waves of scalies. Over the racket, we all heard a shout. It seemed to come from the enemies' ship. Our captain was there, where the lizards' gunpowder was stored on deck, a torch in his hand. I recall that he had the biggest, shit eating grin on his face before the explosion, then water, followed by darkness. I woke up on sand, on the beach of this forsaken island. The beach was littered with the corpses of men and lizards and the debris from both ships. I managed to find First Mate Ol' Liar, Iggy, Sarge, Betsy, and a few others of our crew. There are maybe 30 of us now. While searching for survivors, Sarge found the captain's hat. Once we all gathered to discuss our next move, we found the captain. Ol' Liar was heart broken. I could tell they were great friends. Sarge stood with Ol' liar a bit before we laid the captain and the rest of our crew to rest. Once that was done, we all gathered to talk about our next move. We decided to follow a river that led deeper into the jungle as it was getting dark. As we were trolling along, every so often we would find a pillar. On top of the pillar was a statue that looked like a shark that had a man's arms and legs. A very curious find, but we needed to find a proper place for shelter. We happened upon an old shack, decrepit with time. While I worked on making it habitable, the rest of the crew gathered materials and scouted out the area. At one point we heard a squawk from one of the crew mates. Turns out, as they were scouting, Iggy and Sarge came across another of those pillars, and while they were discussing things, Iggy got bit by a snake. Don't worry, he's fine. But when they came back the looked a bit wigged out. So, after we whipped up a hearty soup, we finally turned in for the night.
Yep, plenty crazy. Let's see what tomorrow holds for us now.
Makenna Defthand

The major events and journals in Makenna's history, from the beginning to today.

Well, this is a great day...

To almost die! After what happened today, I, Makenna Defthand, figure I ought to write out my adventures in this journal, as they, at this point, seem rather chaotic and I should keep a record of such things. I write this now after nightfall, in a quickly...

11:21 pm - 31.10.2019

My trusty hound, Garm.

06:55 pm - 30.10.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Makenna.

Played by
Mizuchi Washi

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