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Wilson Clifftaker

Noble merchant fighter from the Gold Coast. Diplomatic and ethical.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Wilson's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 5: GTFO

03:45 am - 08.12.2021

Session 5: GTFO

05:02 pm - 04.08.2019


11:58 pm - 23.06.2019


11:58 pm - 23.06.2019

Arborsforge - A town tapped into a ancient forest magic that allows skilled artisans to transmute the wood into its raw life essence. It can than be poured into molds and resolidified to make beautiful and useful pieces, including armor and weapons. It is an ancient elven village nestled deep in a forest, but modern times have made the village and its unique magical qualities a “hotspot” as of late. Woodsmithing is still only practiced by the most adept magic users and artisans, but a constant demand for their work has put a strain on this small village. To make matters worse, the elder council is torn between those who want to industrialize woodsmithing for financial gain, and those who wish to return the village to its simple and traditional, peaceful state. Furthermore, the magic that allows for woodsmithing in Arborsforge is waning and growing weak. The cause may lie deep in the forest, but everybody on the council is too concerned with keeping the other side from gaining power to focus on that problem, and the artisans are too busy keeping up with their orders to investigate themselves. The eldest council member, a very old elven woman named Leilatha Cypress has put out a call for a group to investigate deep within the forest. However, she is descended from the founding family of Arborsforge, who are tasked with protecting the ancient magic of the forest. Therefore, she won’t let just anybody into their sacred forest...

09:17 pm - 23.06.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Wilson.

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